Burlington 1877

What still stands from between 1869 and 1877 in Burlington, Vermont?

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203/205 North Champlain Street


            This two and one-half story, gable front structure has survived some changes, including a treatment to the primary facade and new windows.  The use of the primary story of the building as a shoe makers shop, meat market and grocery [1] , which may have caused many of the changes to the structure.

The first occupant of this house was a laborer, Louis Beaupre [2] , previously boarding at the house of John Kerville on Union Street near Spruce Street.  Louis Beaupre and his family lived there and owned the property until the turn of the century [3] .  The building became a grocery around 1902 and was run by Charles H. Babcock, who lived in the building as well.  The house was later home to a number of laborers and skilled workers.  The grocery store changed hands and was later owned by J Wilfred Lamoureux [4] and then became Alarie's Market owned and run by the Alarie's of Winooski [5] .

[1] Burlington City Directories 1873-74, 1902, 1932, 1952

[2] Burlington City Directories 1871-72, 1873-74

[3] 1890 Hopkins Map

[4] Burlington City Directory 1932

[5] Burlington City Directory 1952

Street Index

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 A research project of the
University of Vermont Historic Preservation Program
HP 206 researching Historic Structures and Sites - Prof. Thomas Visser
in cooperation with the UVM Bailey-Howe Library