Burlington 1877

What still stands from between 1869 and 1877 in Burlington, Vermont?

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182 North Champlain Street


            This west-facing structure has seen many changes that has masked the facade, which was a two-story, gable front, with an offset front entrance.  The front porch and second-story screened porch were later additions, but the main block of the building remains largely unchanged.

            The first owner of the structure and property is unknown, but the first occupant was a George Hudson [1] , an employee of C Blodgett & Son.  Though this house was the residence of George Hudson, the property appears to have been owned by Francis McKeough [2] , of Champlain Street near Cherry.  The later inhabitants changed often between the period of 1902 and well after 1952 [3] .

[1] Burlington City Directory 1871-72

[2] 1890 Hopkins Map

[3] Burlington City Directories 1902, 1907, 1912, 1932, 1952

Street Index

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 A research project of the
University of Vermont Historic Preservation Program
HP 206 researching Historic Structures and Sites - Prof. Thomas Visser
in cooperation with the UVM Bailey-Howe Library