289 College Street

Noble Lovely House, circa 1845


By Walter L. Maros

David Blow found that this Greek Revival house was listed for sale in 1845 as a "new brick house" by Noble Lovely, owner of a dry goods firm. A comparison to nearby number 301 College Street shows that the two houses are stylistically very similar: both are gable-ended three-bay structures with full pediments that contain elliptical fanlights. Following the failure of his business in 1848, Lovely conveyed all his property to James Hickok. The house remained in the Hickok family until 1860, when it was sold to watchmaker and jeweler Charles W. Wingate, who in turn sold it to former Vermont state senator Lemuel B. Platt in 1862. (1) From 1877 to 1920 the house was home to the family of Torrey Wales, an attorney. The Italianate double doors, bay window and two-over-two sash windows were added in the 1870's in an attempt to update the house to current fashion. (2)

(1) Blow, Historic Guide to Burlington Neighborhoods Vol. II, 16-18.
(2) Vermont Historic Sites and Structures Survey: Burlington ­ College Street.