159 Cherry Street

c. 1840's


By R. F. Panepinto

This two and one-half story Greek Revival building has a front facing pedimented gable with boxed cornice and a blind pointed window within the pediment. A pedimented hood supported by brackets protects the right, side hall entrance. Windows are symmetrically arranged. The rear ell was added at a later date. Brick bearing wall construction on a stone foundation supports a wood truss roof. A one bay by one bay covered porch protects a side entrance on the left of the building. Owned in the 1860's by Timothy Lovell, the footprint appears on the 1853 Presdee and Edward map. Today the building contains a number of apartments. (1)

(1) Vermont Division for Historic Preservation, Vermont Historic Sites and Structures Survey, Cherry Street, (Montpelier, VT, Division for Historic Preservation, n.d.).