212 Battery Street

Merchant's Bank, 1849


by Nate Bailly

The Merchant's Bank was incorporated by Timothy Follett and H.S. Noyes on November 10, 1849 with a capital of $150,000.(1) The three story four bay building has distinctive Greek Revival features, including simple pilasters with entablature, stone lintels and sills, and a corbelled brick frieze at the top.

Presumably, the prosperity of this waterfront area allowed Follett to amass enough capital to open the bank and build the structure. Good economic times did not last long, however, and the bank was forced to leave the building. Its new location on College Street allowed it to profit, and in 1870 the Merchant's Bank was said to have a capital of $700,000 after having bought out First National Bank.(2)

The building was occupied by various organizations until 1903 when it was used for cold storage of butter and eggs.(3) It is currently occupied by offices.

(1) Hamilton Child, Gazetteer and Business Directory of Chittenden County Vermont (Syracuse: Hamilton Child, 1882), 114.
Ibid., 115.
(3) David Blow, Historic Guide to Burlington Neighborhoods (Burlington: Chittenden County Historical Society, 1991), 2.

Photo: Nate Bailly
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