Feast and Lunch Board

There will be a lunch board provided for all gentles on site, and a sumptuous feast for 150 gentles will be prepared by Lady Livia Vindolanda. Contact her for dietary questions at (802) 644-6657 or lynn_m_short@hotmail.com.

The cost is $20 on board, $10 offboard and the only reservation is a paid one. Reservations are to be sent to the troll, Baron Cenwulf, at 1436 Williston Rd., S. Burlington VT 05403 (802) 864-6087 or wgillen1@ aol.com.

You can use this handy page to print a registration form to send with your check.

Lady Livia has been planning a scrumptious feast that is sure to delight every palate. Though items are subject to change depending on cost, availability and artistic inspiration, here is the tentative menu:

Bread, herb butter, cheese

Remove One:

Salmon chowder
Honeyed mushrooms
Garlic chicken
Cheese pie
Summer fruit and hazelnut compote

Remove Two:

Wilten spinach with bacon
Roast lamb with horseradish sauce
Barley salad
Savillum (Roman cheesecake)

Information about this web page: Alice Nele of Mountain Freehold
About the images. Last modified: 07 September 1999