Hope A. Greenberg
Humanities Computing Specialist
Academic Computing, Computing and Information Technology
The University of Vermont
Burlington, VT 05405-0160
 Phone: (802) 656-1176
E-mail: Hope.Greenberg@uvm.edu


University of Vermont, MA History, in progress
State University of New York at Stony Brook, BA Interdisciplinary Humanities, 1988
C. W. Post College of Long Island University, Honors Program, 1972-1975


1997-Present Humanities Computing Specialist, Academic Computing Services, Divisions of Computing and Information technology, 238 Waterman Building, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT. 

Provide humanities computing consulting services to university faculty, staff and students in the areas of electronic representation of humanities content (electronic texts, hypertext, multimedia, text analysis tools, images, computer-mediated communication) and in the use of information technology in teaching and learning. Consult with faculty on academic use of computing technology. Promote new technologies; teach individuals and classes or workshops

  • In conjunction with the Center for Teaching and Learning, plan, consult with, and advise faculty on design, development, and implementation of information technology tools for research, scholarship, and publication. 
  • Advise graduate and undergraduate students developing humanities computing projects on humanities-related information technology tools. 
  • Develop resources and activities, including courses, seminars, colloquia, and articles to foster integration of information technology into education.
Current Projects:
  • UVM Digitization Center - a collaborative effort between Academic Computing, Bailey/Howe Libraries, Fleming Museum, Art Department, Perkins Geology Museum and others to fund and organize digital collections. (see http://www.uvm.edu/~uvmdc)
  • Dr Is In - a program through the Center for Teaching and Learning (http://www.uvm.edu/~ctl) to provide concentrated and direct support to faculty seeking to integrate information technology into their teaching.
  • UVM Electronic Text Collections (see http://etext.uvm.edu)
  • XML

Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, University of Vermont. CS 2, Introduction to Microcomputers, an undergraduate course for non-CS majors.
1990-1996 Office Systems Specialist, Computing and Information Technology, University of Vermont. Technical and consulting support for office systems software and hardware. Provided microcomputer and networked applications support for faculty, staff and students, primarily in the areas of word processing, electronic mail, Internet applications, and networked printing.
1986-1989 Assistant to Dean - Systems, School of Medicine, State University of New York at Stony Brook, NY. LAN management; microcomputer training and support; budgeting, accounting and personnel applications development.
1982-1986 Principal Account Clerk, Dean's Office, School of Medicine, SUNY Stony Brook, NY.
Computerized budgeting and accounting for state, research, foundation and clinical practice accounts. 

Publications and Projects

Gallagher, Nancy and Hope Greenberg. "The Eugenics Project: A Documentary History." (in progress, 2003)

Greenberg, Hope. "We Built It. Where are They? Text Encoding and the Humanities Scholar." Proceedings, Association for Computing in the Humanities/Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing International Humanities Computing Conference, edited by A. Sexton, 240-241. Charlottesville: University of Virginia, 1999.

-----. "Godey's Lady's Book: Online Facsimile Editions." Available through http://etext.uvm.edu. University of Vermont, 1999.

-----. "'Of Bodies Chang'd to Various Forms, I Sing:' The World Wide Web and the Metamorphosis of Humanities Scholarship." 19th International Online Meeting Proceedings, edited by D. I. Raitt and B. Jeapes, 579-584. Oxford: Learned Information Europe Ltd., 1995. (Invited closing plenary session.)

-----. "Research and Scholarship in the Arts and Humanities: Can Home Pages Replace Tome Pages?" Proceedings of the 16th National Online Meeting, edited by M.E. Williams, 159-163. Medford, NJ: Learned Information, Inc., 1995.

-----. "The Ovid Project: Metamorphosing the Metamorphoses." Proceedings, 2nd International World Wide Web Conference, edited by J. Hardin and I. Goldstein. Chicago, 1994. Electronic edition available online at: http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/SDG/IT94/Proceedings/Arts/greenberg/greenberg.html

-----. Review of The Social Impact of Computers, by Richard Rosenberg. In CD-Rom Professional 7 (January 1994): 182.

Selected Presentations and Workshops

Instructor, XML: What, Why, When and How, workshop for UVM University Training and Development, June 2003.

Instructor, Student Web Projects, teaching students web-authoring skills in conjunction with specific class projects. See http://www.uvm.edu/~ctl/studentwebprojects.html for details. Ongoing.

Laptop Workshops, week-long intensive workshops for UVM faculty integrating technology into their teaching. See http://www.uvm.edu/~ctl/laptop.html. 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.

Instructor, Summer Institute, three day workshop for UVM faculty improving teaching through technology, 2001.
Presenter, "Storage, Reason, Memory, History: Building the Global Brain." UVM History 296, February 2001.

Presenter, "Recovering Alice B. Neal Haven: Creating a Web-Based Scholarly Electronic Edition." Society for the Study of American Women Writers Conference, San Antonio, Texas, February 2001

Presenter, "Improving Student Participation." UVM Center for Teaching and Learning, Technology in Context Workshop, January 1999.

Co-Presenter, with Elizabeth Dow, UVM Libraries. "Text + Context = Etext: Scholarship in the Information Age." UVM, Fall, 1998.

Instructor, "Creating Web Sites for Teaching." Vermont Educational Technology Consortium. A one week course for VT K-12 teachers, July, 1997.

Instructor, "Creating Web Sites for Teaching." Vermont Educational Technology Consortium. A one week course for VT K-12 teachers, July, 1996.

Panelist, "What Was the Book?" UVM Humanities Center Series, February, 1996.

Presenter, "Godey's Lady's Book Online." PCA/ACA Annual Conference, Syracuse, NY, November 1995.

Presenter, "The Immovable U Meets the Irresistible Web." North American Web Developers Conference, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, October, 1995.

Panelist, "Technology in First-Year Programs." UVM Symposium on the First-Year Experience, May, 1995.

Presenter, "Teaching with the Web: Tutorial." Vermont Library Educators Conference, May, 1995.

Keynote Speaker, "WWW in Higher Education." New Hampshire: Franklin Pierce Law Center, annual faculty/staff retreat, November, 1994.

Instructor, Continuing Education, "The Internet." University of Vermont, July, 1994.

Keynote Speaker, "WWW and Book Publishing." Annual Meeting of Vermont Book Publishers Association, Randolph, June 1994.

Conference Management

Program Committee, Presenter, Mastering the Maze, University of Vermont, March, 1999.
Program Committee, Presenter, Mastering the Maze, University of Vermont, March, 1998.
Program Chair, Proceedings Editor, North American Web Developers Conference, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, October, 1997.
Program Committee, Web Site Creator, Presenter, Mastering the Maze, University of Vermont, March, 1997.
Program Chair, Proceedings Editor, North American Web Developers Conference, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, October, 1996.
Program Committee, Web Site Creator, Presenter, Mastering the Maze, University of Vermont, March, 1996.
Program Chair, North American Web Developers Conference, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, October, 1995.
Program Committee, Web Site Creator, Presenter, Mastering the Maze, University of Vermont, March, 1995.
Planning Committee, Proceedings Editor,  Computing Strategies Across the Curriculum, University of Vermont, April, 1992.
Planning Committee, Computing Strategies Across the Curriculum, April, 1991.

Committees and Memberships

Member, Association for Computers and the Humanities, 1995-present
Member, Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association, 1995-1996
Vice President, Staff Council, University of Vermont, 1993-1994
Member, Staff Council, University of Vermont, 1992-1993
Chair, School of Medicine Technology Committee, 1988-1989
Assembly Delegate, United University Professions, 1987-1990
Treasurer, Stony Brook HSC Chapter, United University Professions, 1988-1990

Last modified: 9 July 2003.