Information Technology Specialist
Center for Teaching and Learning
- Partners with UVM faculty and students to encourage and increase
integration of information technologies into teaching and scholarship.
- Provides faculty development in areas of technology and teaching.
- Instructional designer for online and hybrid courses.
- Provides consulting services to university faculty, staff and students
in the areas of electronic representation of humanities content
(electronic texts, hypertext, multimedia, text analysis tools, images,
computer-mediated communication).
Has taught
- Computer Science, Instructor
CS005: Introduction to Applied
Humanities Computing
- History, Co-instructor: Digital History
- History/Digital History: Visualizing America
Representative Presentations and Workshops
- POD Network in Higher Education: Annual Conference:
Humanities and CTLs: A Logical Partnership"
- The Humanities and Technology Camp (THATCamp):
"XML, XSLT, and
Creating TEI-encoded Documents"
- New England Historical Association:
"Digital History/Digital
Humanities: Where Are We?"
- NE Regional Computing Program (EDUCAUSE):
"Supporting Digital
Humanities Research: The Collaborative Approach"
Center for Research on Vermont:
"Illuminating our Shadowed Past:
Creating a Vermont Eugenics Web Resource"
- Society for the Study of American Women Writers:
"Recovering Alice B.
Neal Haven: Creating Web-based Scholarly Electronic Editions"
- Association for Humanities Computing/Association for Literary and
Linguistic Computing:
"We Built It. Where are They? Text Encoding and
the Humanities Scholar"
- International Online Meeting, London, closing plenary:
"Of Bodies
Chang'd to Various Forms, I Sing:" The World Wide Web and the
Metamorphosis of Humanities Scholarship
- Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations
- American Historical Association
- New England Historical Association
Text Encoding Initiative