Concepts test

Concepts test

1. The definite article in Hebrew is a "HA" at a beginning of a noun. True/False
2. The translation of the preposition To in Hebrew is LEH. True/ False
3. When LEH refers to a definite noun, the HA drops and the LEH becomes a LA. True / False
4. That rules does not! apply when prepositions like in or at are translated to BEH
(again before a HA).
True/ False
5. This (in this is a book ) translates in Hebrew to ZOT. True / False
6. This (in this is a girl) translates in Hebrew to ZOT. True / False
7. In Hebrew, adjectives follow the noun. True / False
8. In Hebrew ZOT can serve also as an adjective and in such a case would follow the noun. As in (YALDAH --- ZOT --- YAFAH).
True / False
9. If the noun is definite and is preceded by a HA, the adjective gets a HA too. True / False
10.If a root is conjugated in PIEL structure the infinitive form starts with a "LEH" True / False
11.If a root is conjugated in PIEL structure the M/P form precedes with a Me and suffixed with a IM. True / False
12.If a root is conjugated in PAAL structure the infinitive form starts with a "LEH" if P’ HAPOAL is a "Beit" True/ False
13.If a root has a "H" in the Lamed HAPOAL The H is replaced with T in the infinitive form. True / False
14.A (L"H) root has 5 letters in its both M and F plural forms. True / False
15.An (A"V) root has 4 letters in its both M and F plural forms. True / False
16If an activity is described by both auxiliary and a main verb only the auxiliary verb has to agree with the subject (The main verb appears in the infinitive form). True / False
17.Each student translates in Hebrew to KOL HASTUDENTIM. True/ False
18.All of the students translates in Hebrew to KOL HASTUDENTIM. True / False
19.A pair of preposition and a pronoun like "to you" or "to her" is translated to one word such as LACH of LAH (accordingly) in Hebrew. True / False
Final Heb1
Final 51