HEBREW 197 Practice in Advance Hebrew Fall 2002 1 credits 423 Waterman
Mon 7:15-8:15
Gideon Bavly
Office phone 656-1472
e-mail: gbavly@zoo.uvm.edu
Office hours:
Mon, Wed. - 12:25-1:25,
Fri. - 3:20-4:20 or by appointment

Text: will be provided by the teacher.
Recommended a dictionary (there is one at the seminar room, one at the library and you can always write down a word and ask me).

Course objectives: to improve the skills of reading, writing, understanding and speaking Hebrew.
During the course of the semester students will learn concepts in advance Hebrew grammar, poems and Hebrew short stories. 

You are expected to: 

* Speak Hebrew in class to the best of your ability.

* Attend all classes. 

* Read/write/think Hebrew at least two hours a week.


August      29: Welcome + review Hebrew 52
September  9: Dialog in light Hebrew
September 23: Hebrew Songs Arik Einshtain 
September 30: Stories of Hebrew students 
October      7: Grammar Passive participle through stories.
October    14: Yom Kippur, No class
October    21: Song "Poliker" 
October    28: Story "Kids Village"
October    30: Grammar Pronoun suffixes
November  4: Song "Hallo" 
November 11: Story "Books Burning"
November 18: Grammar Preposition El
November 25: Song "To sing with you"
December   2: Review

Home work assignments - the amount of homework correlate with the fact that the class is only one credit. 

Written HW is a 200 words weekly journal.

Your semester grade will be based on:

Attendance and participation 34%
H.W. assignments 33%
Final Exam 33%
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Total 100%