NAME Smith, Lucy R. (Miss)

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PLACE West Rochester, VT
AGE IN 1850 5
PARENTS Oliver P. Smith (c. 1811-1893) and Lovina Chase (1805-1877)
BORN About 1845
DIED Edward Green, 28 June 1870 in Rochester, VT
FEDERAL CENSUS RECORDS 1850 Rochester, Windsor County, VT (dwelling 127).  Oliver P. Smith (39) and Lovina (47) are living in Rochester with their children Mary F. (14), Joel B. (12), Franklin (10), and Lucy (5).
1860 Rochester, Windsor County, VT.  Lucy’s parents Oliver Smith (50) and “Vina” (60) are living in Rochester with Stillman Grant (33).  Sister Mary is living next door with her husband George Laird.  Lucy’s location is unknown.
1870 Rochester, Windsor County, VT.  The census notes that Lovina Smith (59) can read but “cannot write,” nor can her husband Oliver (69).  Their children Frank (29) and Lucy (24) can neither read nor write.  Both are living with their parents.
1880 Rochester, Windsor County, VT (dwelling 218).  Lucy Green (35), married, is living in the household of Almon Root with her daughter Mary F. (9).  Edward is living nearby, working as a farm laborer for Lucy’s uncle, Chester M. Smith. 
NOTES Daughter of “Mrs. Lovina Smith.”

Sister of “Miss Mary F. Smith.”

Likely granddaughter of “Mrs. Miriam Smith.”

Niece of “Miss Olive T. Smith.”

Likely niece of “Mrs. Elizabeth M. Dyer.”