The Simplest 'Outreach'
Ask black Americans for their votes, for heaven's sake
National Review, vol. LIII, no. 4
March 5, 2001
Ramesh Ponnuru and Richard Nadler
'Why do blacks hate us?" It's a question that
has long perplexed conservatives and Republicans. They've been asking it with new
intensity since November, when "compassionate conservatism" struck out with 91
percent of the black electorate. Increased black turnout helped Democrats gain Senate
seats in Michigan, Washington, Florida, and Missouri.
Most Republicans recognize that they need to win more black votes. There has been no
shortage of advice on how to do this. Republicans have been told to soft-pedal old issues,
and to devise new ones. They have been counseled to push harder on school choice, to
oppose immigration, to rethink the drug war. One Republican suggested that the party
"co-opt" or even "buy" black leaders.
The multiplicity of suggestions is a sign that the party really has no idea what to do.
The prevailing mood is one of resignation tinged with despair. Republicans feel they have
done as much as they can, while remaining Republicans, to court blacks. They pointedly
avoided campaigning against racial preferences. (Even in Florida, where they were an
issue, the Republicans tried mightily to defuse it.) They found every black person they
knew and put him onstage during the Republican convention. Since his election, President
Bush has appointed blacks to powerful offices, met with left-wing black congressmen, and
proposed welfare reforms that would direct millions of dollars to black churches. None of
it seems to work. Some Republicans are therefore tempted to surrender. Since blacks
constitute only 10 percent of the electorate, they figure the party should find its votes
elsewhere. But for the GOP to give up on blacks would be a mistake. For one thing, in many
states blacks are a substantial and growing percentage of the electorate. In addition,
blacks are among the few identifiable populations that contain more conservatives than
Republicans. They should be no more out of reach for George W. Bush than blue-collar
Democrats were for Ronald Reagan.
It would be a mistake, finally, because it is not in fact true that the Republicans have
done everything they can to get black votes. They have neglected, for instance, to ask for
them. Policy intellectuals are naturally tempted to devise programmatic responses to the
party's problem with blacks: modify this position, accentuate that one. Pundits like to
ponder big issues such as the effect of America's racial history on blacks' political
psychology. But they're overlooking a simple, but big, part of the problem: Republicans
aren't running ads that reach black voters.
Consider the case of Kansas City. We choose it not just because it's our hometown, but
also because it was the second biggest market in the country for political ads in
2000-right behind St. Louis. Missouri was a swing state in the presidential race. It was
also the site of hard-fought races for senator and governor. Two congressional seats were
contested in the area, one on either side of the Kansas-Missouri state line. In the end,
high turnout among blacks, who were 5 percent of the Missouri electorate in 1996 but 12
percent in 2000, yielded narrow Democratic victories for Bob Holden over Jim Talent
(governor) and Jean Carnahan over John Ashcroft (senator).
The most popular black radio station in Kansas City is KPRS-FM, "Hot 103 Jamz."
Here's a synopsis of the political ads that KPRS listeners heard during four hours of
drive time on November 2, five days before the election:
--The notorious NAACP ad accusing George W. Bush of indifference to the brutal racial
killing of James Byrd.
--An ad by the Missouri Democratic party in which the announcer says, "Under George
W. Bush, 75 percent of juveniles are incarcerated in Texas, and 100 percent of the
juveniles in adult prisons are minorities."
--Another ad by the Democrats implying that more low-birth-weight babies will be born and
more old folks will go hungry paying for their medicine unless listeners vote Democratic.
--A union ad for Bob Holden, the Democratic candidate for governor, promising that he will
vanquish the "forces of darkness arrayed against us that would turn back the clock on
our community."
--A National Education Association ad lauding Kansas Democratic congressman Dennis Moore
for supporting its agenda: smaller class sizes, school construction, universal preschool.
--A Missouri Democratic-party ad that tags Republicans for the racial profiling of black
students whose sole crime is "DWB-driving while black." (The ad is repeated
minutes later.)
--An ad from a feminist PAC about Jean Carnahan ("when women vote, women win").
--Another union ad, this one featuring a pastor who says that Holden's opponent, Talent,
"doesn't represent our values" because he "voted with John Ashcroft against
our kids to slash federal education funds, cut student loans, against affirmative action,
and to repeal the ban on semi-automatic assault weapons."
--The NEA ad for Dennis Moore again.
--A Bob Holden campaign ad.
--The racial-profiling ad, again.
--The ad about Holden fighting the "forces of darkness," again.
--The profiling ad, a fourth time.
--The pastor attacking Jim Talent, again.
--The profiling ad for the fifth time.
--The ad on Holden and the "forces of darkness."
--And the anti-Talent ad featuring the pastor for the third time.
Interspersed with these ads were public-service announcements urging listeners to vote,
news stories, and commentary by the DJs, all having the effect of reinforcing the
imperative to vote Democratic.
Were there any Republican ads to offset this onslaught during this period? Yes. Two of
them, each aired once. One was by the Republican National Committee, another by the
Republican Ideas Political Committee (Richard Nadler, president). The pro-Democratic ads
aired 18 times.
During and after the election, Republicans have faulted the NAACP and other "civil
rights" groups for employing race-baiting tactics to mobilize black voters against
them. But it is foolhardy to expect these groups to be moved by guilt over a strategy that
works so brilliantly. Republicans should expect more of the same in 2002. Besides, Jesse
Jackson and Kweisi Mfume were not principally responsible for the ad barrage. Even the
race-baiting ads were more often produced by regular committees of the Democratic party or
by labor unions than by the black-activist groups.
Moreover, ads dependent on lies and race-baiting were not the Democrats' whole campaign,
or even most of it. Such tactics may have given the campaign its character, but ordinary
politics supplied its content. The NEA went into black neighborhoods with its standard
spiel. So did women's groups, and white Democratic candidates. Dennis Moore and Bob Holden
were there, day after day, making their points and selling their programs.
Republicans were there, too, in a way: executing blacks, hassling them, denying their
children education, chaining them to pick-up trucks and dragging them to their deaths.
That Republicans favor tax cuts, school choice, and respect for unborn life would not
occur to someone whose primary source of political information was what he heard on the
radio going to and from work. If KPRS was your station, you "knew" that 75
percent of juveniles in Texas were incarcerated as well as you knew Mystikal's hit song,
"Shake It Fast." It requires no special understanding of blacks' psychology or
historical experience to predict the reaction of ordinary people to so much unanswered
Republicans who debate whether to adopt "new issues" to attract blacks are
missing the point: At present, they have no issues in black America. Hence blacks trust
Democrats more than Republicans not only on standard Democratic issues such as health care
and Social Security, but even on Republicans' traditional issues. In a poll last year, the
Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies asked "which of the two political
parties has the better approach" on various issues. Blacks preferred Democrats to
Republicans on national security by 58-to-21 percent; on "keeping unemployment
low" by 78-to-8 percent; and on cutting taxes by 64-to-15 percent.
Why aren't Republicans doing better? In the past, they neglected black areas deliberately,
for tactical reasons. They understood that blacks were not as liberal as they were
Democratic, and that there are black conservatives who oppose abortion, gun control, and
high taxes, just like their white counterparts. But they calculated that a campaign to
increase the Republican share of the black vote would backfire if it also increased black
turnout. That strategy, whatever its morality, made pragmatic sense when black turnout was
low. But it cannot work when black turnout is high. Democrats have been able to stimulate
record black turnout in selected media markets. They have done so both by hyping imaginary
racial crises and by blaming Republicans for real problems.
Under the present circumstances, Republicans must identify and turn out their potential
vote in the urban core, just as they do in the white suburbs. And not just Republicans
must do this. Every element of the Democratic coalition participates in the wooing of
black America; but almost all elements of the conservative coalition avoid it. That must
Black "outreach" by the Right has been a pathetic affair. White conservatives
love funding their black counterparts, who tour the country regaling white audiences. But
most black voters don't watch C-SPAN coverage of NAACP conventions, let alone the banquets
of conservative think tanks. Conservatives fantasize about creating a new black
leadership. But no such leadership can emerge until the party can give it power in black
America, and it cannot do that until it has partisans there. Lacking them, conservatives
have attracted a motley crew of black intellectuals, apolitical businessmen, and
courageous mavericks-but not votes.
If Republicans are going to fight for black allegiance, they must do so where black voters
live. They need to run ad campaigns about school choice, taxes, Social Security, abortion,
crime. They should run them on the gospel stations of black churches, on Black
Entertainment Television-and on Hot 103 Jamz.