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Charles Rathbone, PhD.
Professional Vita
From AY 2001



Work Address:
537 Waterman
Elementary Education Program
Department of Education
College of Education and Social Services
University of Vermont
802-656-3356 (Department)
802-656-4578 (Office)

Local Address
120 Robinson Parkway
Burlington, Vermont


Spring 2004   

EdEl 24 Learners and the Learning Process, 37 students

EdEl 188 Principles of Classroom Management, Section A. 14 students

EdEl 188 Principles of Classroom Management, Section B.  18 students

Fall 2003
EdEl 24 Learners and the Learning Process (First Time), 33 students
EdEl 188 Principles of Classroom Management, Section A. 13 students
EdEl 188 Principles of Classroom Management, Section B.  09 students
Summer 2003
        EdFS 377 Seminar in Educational Psychology
        EdSS 200 Differentiating Instruction (New Course Development)
        EdSS 200 Just and Caring School Institute. With D. Shiman, N. Ellis, S. Smith.
EdEL 200  Literacy Seminar in Complex Instruction.  With M.Neumann and J. Mekkelsen, 9 students

Spring 2003
EdEL 10  Introduction to Teaching and Learning as Meaningful Enterprise, 24 students in cohort
EdEl 188 Principles of Classroom Management, Section A., 15 students
EdEl 188 Principles of Classroom Management, Section B., 14 students

Fall 2002
EdEL 10  Introduction to Teaching and Learning as Meaningful Enterprise, 28 students in cohort
EdEl 178 Meeting Individual Needs: Assessment and Instruction, 16 students
EdEl 188 Principles of Classroom Management, Section B., 19 students

Summer 2002
EdLSS 377 Seminar in Educational Psychology
EdSS 200 Just and Caring School Institute (First Time)  With D. Shiman, N. Ellis, S. Smith.

Spring 2002
EdEl 010 Introduction To Teaching And Learning As Meaningful Enterprise, 15 student cohort [data]
EdEl 178 Teaching to Individual Differences (new course for me), 17 students [data]
EdEl 185 Student Teaching Supervision, 5 interns, Orchard School, South Burlington
EdEl 188 Principles of Classroom Management, Section B., 10 students 
EdEl 200 Teaching All Children (Continuing Education, webCT hybrid), 6 students

Fall 2001
EdEl 010 Introduction To Teaching And Learning As Meaningful Enterprise (Coordinator), 18 student cohort
EdEl 188 Principles of Classroom Management, Section A., 15 students

EdEl 188 Principles of Classroom Management, Section B., 17 students

Independent Studies
Brady Leisenring: Small Group Process and the Development of Moral Reasoning, Sp. 04
Christian Stevens: Teaching Social Skills, 03-04
Heather Gonyeau: Math Methods for Preschool Learners
, 01-02
Jamie Sawyer: Studying Hispanic, Chicano, Latino, Latina Distinctions Through Children's Literature, 01-02
Meaghan Seamans:  Exploring Activity During Explore Time in a 1/2/3 Multiage Setting, 01-02
Melissa Albertini: Gender Equity Study in Mathematics, 01-02

Equity and Complex Instruction, South Burlington School District, Jan. 19, 2004
Interprofessional Seminar in Complex Instruction, Edmunds Elementary School, 01-02
Ann Geroski,  parent and UVM IPS faculty member
Mary Ross, 3/4 teacher
Elayne Prescott, 3/4 teacher
Paul Houchins, 3/4 teacher
Liza Howrigan, student teacher
Amanda Logan, student teacher
Climate Committee, Burlington High School, 01-02

Diversity Panel, Burlington High School, League of Women Voters, 1/14/02

Research and Scholarship

"There's Something That's Got My Attention --It's Got Their Attention As Well": Reflections on the implementation of complex instruction in real live classrooms.  With Brodeur, B. and Kennison, J. (Undergraduate and Graduate Student.) Presentation at New England Educational Research Organization Annual Meeting.  Portsmouth, NH.  April 23, 2004.  I am organizer and lead author.

Teacher Education for Equity: Overcoming Status Problems and Achievement Gaps in Heterogeneous Middle School Classrooms.  With N. Ellis.  Society for Technology and Teacher Education, Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.  March 4, 2004.

Video:  1. Created, Edited, and Produced faculty interview tape for NCATE visit.
               2. Created the Idea for NCATE " Welcome To Vermont" video.  Project oversight with H. Parker.
            3. Created four instructional videos demonstrating Complex Instruction strategies for use in EdEl 188 and other classes.
     4. Advised on Vermont Institute video production "Complex Instruction in Vermont." With N. Ellis and D. Ellis.

NCATE Portfolio, Elementary Education Progam, Editor and Lead Author

NCATE Unit Report: Standard 4 (Diversity) Lead Author

ROPA Unit Report:  Diversity Standard, Lead Author

New England Educational Research Organization Annual Conference
Northhampton, MA  April 24-46, 2002
Symposium Organizer and Lead Author

"Making Groupwork Work: Ensuring Instructional Efficacy in the Student Teaching Internship Through the Implementation of Complex Instruction."
with Nancy Heffernan, UVM '02
       Liza Howrigan, UVM '02
       Gillian Kolodny, B.S.Ed., UVM
Implementing Complex Instruction With Five and Six Year Olds
Ongoing dialogue with Elizabeth Cohen, Stanford University (Emeritus),  Caroline Bahaus, PhD.,
and the students of EdEl 188, Spring 2002
Using Technology to Enhance Student Learning: A Continuing Study of My Web-based Course Work  [EdEl 188]
Eisenhower Professional Development Grant
Final Training Grant For Complex Instruction.  Curriculum Development Consolidation Phase.
With Nancy Ellis, PhD.

Film Development

One Group's Experience
Point of View, The Cartoon Group
Assigning Competence
Organizing The Materials Box
Professional Study  Group: Child Study and Interdisciplinary Teaching.
Fern Tavalin
3 first year students
15 sophomores*
18 juniors
24 seniors*
(* =  students given personal escort to C&T)
Graduate Students
Masters of Education
Jennifer Kennison
Margaret Edmunds
Maribeth Berliner
Lisanne Velez
Linda Brown
David Amsden
Doctoral Students
Betsy Ellis-Kempner
Penny Nolte
Debbie King
Colleen MacKinnon
Lynda Reid
Sandy MacLeod (Chair)
President's Task Force on Racial Diversity, 03-04
Curriculum Sub-committee member
Center for Teaching and Learning, Board Member, Starting January 2002

Unit Assessment Committee, 02-04
Unit Diversity Committee, 02-04 (Chair)
University Committee on Teacher Preparation, 02-04

ThinkTank, NCATE
, 01-02
NCATE Program Representative, 01-04

Program Assessment Committee, Chair
Presentations and Workshops

Creating An Equitable School Climate.  BFA St. Albans, May 2003.  With D. Shiman.

Using the Program For Complex Instruction To Reach All Students.  Vermont Institutes Closing The Gap Conference, Killington, VT.   May 2003. With N. Ellis.

When Students Teach The Teachers: Tapping The Expertise of Students to Support Faculty Professional Development, AACTE Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA   January 2003. With S. Latham, R. Sexton, H. Parker, and J. Morris.

Learning From Each Other: The Vermont ACEI Portfolio Experience.  ACEI Elementary SSG Meeting, AACTE Annual Meeting, NYC, February 2002
When Students Become The Experts, VermontFest, Mt. Killington Resort, November 2001
          with Rebecca Sexton, UVM '02

Differentiated Teaching, BFA Fairfax, 1/21/02

Implementing Technology In My Professional Life, PT3 Luncheon, UVM

Complex Instruction In The Elementary Program, El.Ed. Advisory Committee, Windjammer, April 2002

Complex Instruction in Multiage Classrooms, Otter Creek Institutes, May 2002

Grand Rapids, MI
Minneapolis, MN
Des Moines, IO
Master of Ceremony, Honors Day, April 2003 (With Program Slide Show)
Master of Ceremony, Honors Day, April 2002

Reader of Names, CESS Commencement Ceremony, May 2002