The Professional Progam in Elementary Education

Department of Education:533 Waterman

College of Education and Social Services

Faculty in our college aspire to prepare a committed reflective practitioner,
instructional leadeer and change agent, collaborating with other professionals
to make a positive difference in schools and the lives of all learners.
(NCATE conceptual framework)

EdEl 10  Introduction to Teaching and Learning as Meaningful Enterprise

Fall 2002

Prerequisites: Admission to CESS

Credits: One credit hour.  Re-enroll Spring Semester for EdEl 10, one credit hour.


Dr. Joseph Abruscato, 532A Waterman, Phone 6-3356, (C. Foley)

Dr. Charles Rathbone, 537 Waterman, Phone 63356, (C. Foley)


Class Sessions

Whole Group: 427 Waterman, 12:20-1:10 pm

August 28 - Welcome, Overview, Assignment of Advisors

September 4 - What is good teaching?

September 25 - What's in a theme? To know and to do.  The Professional Portfolio.

October 23 - Preregistration for Sp2003. The Academic Concentration.  Dr. B.A. Mohler

December 4 - Pot Luck Luncheon. 539 Waterman.  Begins 11:30am.

December 4 - Portfolio Sharing.  427 Waterman @ regular class time.

Cohort Groups, Every Wednesday except Whole Group Meeting Dates.  Individual Syllabi
Dr. Abruscato, 457 Waterman
Dr. Rathbone, 403 Waterman

Description:  This two semester course/seminar is the introductory experience for students contemplating a major in elementary teaching.  The seminar orients new students to their academic career at UVM and their professional career within our program.  Teaching and learning will focus on the knowledge, skills, and dispositions embodied by the theme of the elementary program Teaching All Children In Diverse Communities of Learners.  Introduction to the complexities of teaching in the nation's elementary schools at beginning of the 21st century will be developed through readings, discussion, and a variety of learning experiences.

     1. learn about and make decisions about pursuing UVM's elementary education program
     2. explore different aspects of the career of being a professional educator
     3. begin the study of good teaching

     By actively participating in this course, you will be able to
          1. describe the aims, mission, outcomes, and personal dispositions embodied in the elementary program;
          2. understand and manage and take responsibility for your education as a teacher-to-be at UVM; and
          3. recognize, identify, and describe in context the following knowledge, skills, and dispositions of being   able to teach all children in diverse communities of learners (Program Outcomes):

a. subject matter knowledge
b. differentiated instruction
c. safe, strength-based learning environments
d. social justice
e. specialized practice
       assessment informed 
f. equitable and culturally responsive pedagogy
g. technological expertise
h. every child a learner
i. reflective practice
j. leadership in educationcv

          4. develop a beginning Professional Program Portfolio
          5. read and discuss literature about teaching in the nation's elementary schools
          6. demonstrate leadership as a preservice educator
          7. understand that you are part of a college of education and social services that focuses your professional education in reflective learning and practice guided by the following beliefs:

Constructivism.  Knowledge is socially constructed through dialogue and community based practice.

Collaboration. Teachers and other school professionals work collaboratively to problem-solve with stakeholders.

Human Development and Empowerment. Education facilitates the development of  human potential.

Inclusion.  All students can learn and have value in their communities.

Multiculturalism/Culturally Responsive Pedagogy.  Learning communities demonstrate respect for and honor diversity; pursue knowledge and affirmation of our diverse cultures.

Equity and Justice.  Education should advance social justice and democracy.

     1. Construct a four year UVM educational plan with your advisor.
     2. Demonstrate reflective and critical thought in a beginning Professional Portfolio through the submission of three captioned portfolio documents.
     3. Complete assignments as specified by your cohort group leader in your individual cohort group.
     4. Obtain and use whatever text material is required by your cohort group leader.
     5. Applies unit beliefs and program outcomes to your ongoing study of educational practice.

Grading:  A letter grade is earned based on attendance, participation, completed work and other course expectations specified in cohort group expectations.