BWV 108 Es ist euch gut, da� ich hingehe

Cantate (Fourth Sunday after Easter).

Christiane Mariane von Ziegler, Versuch in Gebundener Schreibart, Teil I (Leipzig, 1728); Facs: Neumann T, p. 360.

1. Jn. 16:7; 4. Jn. 16:13; 6. Paul Gerhardt, verse 10 of "Gott, Vater, sende deinen Geist," 1653 (Fischer-T�mpel, III, #414).

29 April 1725, Leipzig.

BG 23; NBA I/12.

1. Aria [Dictum] (B)

It is for you that I depart now, for were I not departing, would your Comforter not come. But since I am leaving, I will send him unto you.

2. Aria (T)

There shall no doubt deter me,
From thy word, Lord, to hearken.
I trust that if thou go'st,
I can in this find comfort,
That I'll amongst the rescued
Come, at the welcome port.

3. Recit. (T)

Thy Spirit will in such wise rule me
That I the proper road shall walk;
Through thy departure he shall come to me.
I ask, though, anxiously: Ah, is he not now here?

4. Chorus [Dictum] (S, A, T, B)

When he, however, truth's very Spirit, will have come, will he into every truth then lead you. For he will not of himself be speaking, rather all that he hath heard will he be speaking; and what the future holds will he proclaim abroad.

5. Aria (A)

What my heart of thee doth seek,
Ah, shall on me be bestowed.
Pour upon me thy rich blessing,
Lead me now upon thy pathways,
That I in eternity
Look upon thy majesty!

6. Chorale (S, A, T, B)

Thy Spirit God from heaven sends,
He leadeth all that him do love
Upon a well-laid pathway.
He sets and ruleth all our steps,
That they not elsewhere ever tread
But where we find salvation.

� Copyright Z. Philip Ambrose

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