
Last year, I decided that it was finally time to lose all of my excess pounds and I did it by going to Weighless Nutrition Centers.  This page is here to show my progress for all of my friends and family (and me) to see.  Every 10 pounds that I lost Charlie bought me a Teddy Bear, each one is named somehow after the amount that I had lost at the time.  With each set of photos of me there is another picture of a Teddy Bear and it's name.

In the News   Before and After

I've made my goal!  Here is a picture of me and all 13 bears!

When I began: (February 16th, 2006)

After 10 pounds lost:

This bear is named Tennyson (You can hear how much I've lost in the name.)

After 20 pounds lost:

This is Van Gogh (Van sounds a little like the french word for 20 "vingt")

After 30 Pounds lost:

This bear is Sanjyu (Sanjyu is Japanese for 30)

After 40 Pounds lost:

This is Quarters. 
(Charlie named this one for me... He wanted the next one to be Mr. Nickels)

After 50 Pounds lost:

This is Gojyura 
(Gojyu is the Japanese word for 50 and adding "ra" at the end makes it sound like Godzilla)

After 60 pounds lost:

This is Zestig (pronounced Zes-tuhg)
(Zestig is the dutch word for 60)

After 70 Pounds lost: (July 26, 2006)

This is Settanta. (Settanta is the Italian word for 70)

After 80 Pounds lost: (August 23, 2006)

This is Ochenta (which is Spanish for 80).

After 90 Pounds Lost: (September 27, 2006 )

This is Noventa (which is Spanish for 90).

After 100 Pounds lost (November 8, 2006)

This is O Suta (with a line over the a and pronounced Oh Su-toe) 
which is 100 in Romanian.

After 110 Pounds Lost: (December 13, 2006)

This is Cornelius Xavier (I shorten it to CX).  His initials 
are 110 in Roman Numerals.

After my Goal Weight (February 7, 2007):
The bear on the left is my 120 pound bear. His name is Sto Dvacet (Czech for 120).
The bear on the right is my last teddy bear! Her name is Victory!