
Introducing: The love of Charlie and I's life... Miss Nyla Marie DesLauriers Martin Brooks.

Nyla came to Charlie and I through a friend.  Beth (the friend) has a sister who decided with her boyfriend to get another cat to fill their home with love... They picked out a beautiful cat and had her checked out at the vets... While there they found out that this kitten may possibly have FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus).  With another cat at home, they decided that they needed to find her another home or have her put to sleep... Charlie and I couldn't let that happen so we had a discussion about whether or not we should take her in, considering her disease, but the picture to the right had won us over and we picked her up the day that she was offered to us. 
Since then, Nyla has been a joy to us... although we get a little nervous (especially Charlie) whenever she makes a sound out of the ordinary, since we need to keep an eye on her to make sure that she doesn't get too sick that we had to put her down.  Since the first picture we have of her I have taken a ton of pictures of her and she probably hates the camera... 

Enjoy some photos of our little girl below and you can visit her on her webpage on Catster as well...

Who could turn this little girl down?