Welcome to the home of my Winning 2005 NaNoWriMo Novel, "Group Therapy"

I am now posting it here as I am an official winner of the contest.  The novel is still in it's unrevised stage.  There are likely to be typos and inconsistencies abounding.  After Charlie and I go through it and revise it I will most likely post it here.

Case 1: Wonder Dan
Case 2: Melody
Case 3: Anthony
Case 4: King Connor
Case 5: The Loiterer
Case 6: Peter
Case 7: Charlie
Case 8: Shelley
Case 9: Doug
Case 10: Victoria
Therapy Session: The Participants

Group Therapy | Case 1 | Case 2 | Case 3 | Case 4 | Case 5
Case 6 | Case 7 | Case 8 | Case 9 | Case 10 | Therapy Session

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