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Web Search Assignment

Due in class January 22, 2002

1.  Look up community forestry on the Internet or an electronic database.

2.  Develop a typology from the first 15-30 hits of sites dealing with community forestry.  Give a brief description of each “type” (a phrase or a couple of sentences should suffice) and the number of hits you categorized as that type.  Give also your total “n”.

Note: A "typology" is a categorization derived from a subjective but logical (though not exhaustive) grouping of the items being analyzed.  In this case, it is what you believe is a "natural" grouping or lumping of the websites you encounter in the first 15-30 hits.  You should be able to describe the categories you propose, but there is no "right" answer.  (Hint: using more hits rather than less could be easier for discerning categories.)

3.  Include a print out of the first 3 pages of your search.  Make sure it includes the search engine or database used and what you typed in to be searched.  Mark in the margin the “type” of site for each hit.

4.  Answer the following questions briefly:

a.  From your search, what are some of the likely meanings of community forestry?
b. What countries and states appear involved?
c. List at least one thing you learned from this exercise.
d.  List at least one observation or comment on this exercise.
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Note:  Style and presentation are not important for this assignment.  Completeness, legibility, and critical thinking are important.  This is 5% of your grade (and could be an easy “A”).

I encourage you to poke around a little into the websites you find in this search.  You will get more out of the exercise and you will be better able to make a meaningful typology and answer question 4a.