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ENVS 151  Assignments

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12.  Academic Plan  Due April 30, 2002
                      in my mailbox -- Bittersweet or Aiken -- at end of day

11.  Oral Presentations  On April 11, 18, 23
                Which day are you presenting?     Click here for schedule of presentations

10.  Area Research Report
                     Outline, abstract & biblio due Tuesday, April 2 (1 copy)
                      Draft Parts i,ii,1 &6 due Tuesday, April 9 (2 copies)
                       Completed Paper due Friday, April 19 (1 copy)

9. Careers/Roles/Lifestyles Report - due Tues., Mar. 12 (2 copies)

8.  Personal Statements -- due Tues., Feb. 26 (2 copies- peer edited)
        Note:  People have pointed out that there is overlap between this essay and the skills-interest-traits assignment.  This is intentional.  All of the 151 assignments are interconnected and are meant to encourage you to swim to successively deeper and clearer waters each time -- not just dash through them as busy work.  Hopefully, what you did for S-I-T will feed into your personal introduction.  You may even choose to use much of the same wording.  However, look carefully at the Voice/Audience section of the assignment and make sure your the Personal Statement essay fits its purpose.  Use this opportunity to think more broadly and deeply than in the previous exercises as you integrate your past experiences with your future.

7.  Topic Areas -- due Tues., Feb. 19 (1 copy - not peer reviewed)
            This assignment is just one paragraph identifying what environmental field or topic you plan to focus on this semester for your careers/lifestyles and area report.  It should be the area that you intend to focus on in your Individually Designed Academic Plan for what you intend to do as an ENVS major at UVM.  It will likely be a basis for your 201 work and 202 project -- but it need not be.  Use full sentences.  Be as specific as you can. The purpose of this assignment is to push everyone to be as clear as possible about their own personal focus within the study of the environment to facilitate the next set of assignments and the development of your major plan.

6.  Skills Interests Traits -- was due Tues., Feb. 12 (1 copy)

5.  Resumes & Cover letters -rewritten was due Tues., Feb. 12 (1 copy)

4.  Major Plans - revised were due Thurs., Feb. 7.  (1 copy)
Your advisor, Sue Bean, Ian, your college, and the catalog are all good resources for completing this plan.
If your first draft was done in pencil (or you can make legible changes), you can just make changes right on that.  No need to rewrite the whole thing as long as it is unambiguous and completely legible.
(If you have trouble making the deadline because you are having problems getting an appointment with your advisor, let me know.)

3.  Resume and Cover Letter edits were due Thurs, Jan 31.

2.  Resume and Cover letter - was due on Tues., Jan 29.

1. Major Plan - "in pencil" - was due Tues Jan. 22.