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ENVS 151
April Schedule
Class activity planned
Assignments Due
Tues., April 2
Area Reports - How to move forward from here
Speaking Skills / Tips on  Presentations
special guest Stephanie Kaza
 Area Report - Outline, abstract & biblio
- 1 copy (not peer-edited)
Bring Major plan to class!
Thurs., April 4
 202 Student Panel -- ENVS seniors tell all
Don't miss this!
Hosted by Ibit Getchell
Tues., April 9
 Thinking through your Academic Plan
special guest - Ian Worley
Bring your questions about Spring courses, 
major plans and 202 ideas
Partial Draft Area Report - 
Parts i, ii, 1, 6- 2 copies
Thurs., April 11
Class Presentations
 Please be in class! Attendance taken.
Tues., April 16
No class - work on reports
Cecilia available for drop-in at Bittersweet office
Area Report due date extended to 4/19
Thurs., April 18
 Class Presentations
 Please be in class! Attendance taken.
Fri., April 19
Final Area Report - all parts- 1 copy
Tues., April 23
Class Presentations
 Please be in class! Attendance taken.
Thurs., April 25
Class Presentations  - Evaluations 
 Tues., April 30
  Imagining a New Improved 151 - Closure
Final Academic Plan due - 1 copy 
in my mailbox -- Bittersweet or Aiken -- at end of day