Burton W. Wilcke, Jr., Ph.D.

25 Laurel Hill Drive

South Burlington, Vermont 05403

(802) 860-2925

Professional Experience

University of Vermont, Burlington, VT

Chair, Department of Medical Laboratory and Radiation Sciences, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, September 2002 -present.

Interim Chair, Department of Biomedical Technologies, School of Allied Health Sciences, July 1 –December 31,2001.

Vermont Department of Health, Burlington, VT

Director, Division of Health Surveillance (Epidemiology, Laboratory, Statistics), 1995 to 2002.

Laboratory Director, 1988 to 1995.

San Bernardino County Department of Public Health, San Bernardino, CA

Laboratory Director, 1983-1988.

Michigan Department of Public Health, Lansing, MI

Deputy Chief, Division of Virology, 1979-1983.

Assistant Chief, Diagnostic Microbiology Section, 1977-1979.


Education and Postgraduate Training

Postdoctoral Fellow, Medical and Public Health Microbiology, California Department of Health, Berkeley, California, 1975-1977.

Doctor of Philosophy (Microbiology and Immunology), School of Medicine, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1976.

Master of Science (Bacteriology and Public Health), Wagner College, Staten Island, New York, 1971.

Bachelor of Arts (Biology), Hartwick College, Oneonta, New York, 1969


Academic Appointments

University of Vermont, Burlington, VT

Associate Professor, Department of Medical Laboratory and Radiation Sciences, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, September 2002 to present.

Associate Professor (Secondary appointment), Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, College of Medicine, December 2002 to present

Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Technologies, School of Allied Health Sciences, Vermont, 1990 - 2002.

 California State University, San Bernardino, CA

Adjunct Professor, Department of Health Science, 1987-1988.

 Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics and Human Development, College of Human Medicine, 1982-1983.

 Honors and Awards   

          Frymoyer Scholar, College of Medicine, University of Vermont, 2006-2008.

Scholar, Public Health Leadership Institute, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/University of California, 1999

Vermont Leadership Institute, University of Vermont, Snelling Center for Government, 1995-1996

"Award for Public Service", Vermont Chapter, American Society for Public Administration, 1993

"Honorable Mention, Manager of the Year", Vermont Certified Public Managers Association, 1992

National Association of Counties Achievement Award, "In Service Training for Clinic Lab Tests", 1985 


American Board of Medical Microbiology, Board-eligible

Clinical Laboratory Technologist (HHS-CDC) Certificate #15160088

Public Health Microbiologist (California), Certificate #1412

Specialist in Microbiology (ASCP), Certificate #1070

Vermont Certified Public Manager


Professional Associations 

American Association of Bioanalysts (Honorary)

American Public Health Association

American Society for Microbiology

Association of Public Health Laboratories

Clinical Laboratory Management Association

          Global Health Council

Northeast Association for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease

          Public Health Leadership Society

          Vermont Public Health Association


Professional Activities 

Member, Advisory Committee, George Washington University, International Institute for Public Health Laboratory Management, 2006.

Vermont Public Health Association, President, 2005 to present. 

Member, President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Evaluation Committee, Institute of Medicine, 2005-2006.

Search Committee, Director of the State Laboratory institute, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 2004-2005

Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, Member, 2003 to March 2007. 

Sponsor, UVM President’s Distinguished Lecture Series, Victor Seidel, MD, The Unhealthy State of Public Health, April 6, 2004. 

Biosecurity and Bioterrorism, Reviewer, 2004. 

Member, Advisory Board, Center for Public Health Laboratory Leadership, 2003-2005. 

American Association of Bioanalysts, Board of Registry, Board Member, September 2002 to present.

Principal Investigator for Vermont Department of Health, Northeast Study of the Environment and Health, an NCI sponsored study, 2001-2002.         

Country Lead for Zimbabwe, Laboratory Infrastructure, CDC/APHL LIFE Initiative in Fighting AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa, December 2000 to 2005. 

Healthy People 2010 Consortium, Represented Vermont from 1992 -2002. 

American Public Health Association, Laboratory Section Councilor, 2001-2002. 

Committee on Laboratory Standards and Practices, Chair, and Publications Board Member, American Public Health Association, 1998 to present. 

American Society for Microbiology, Public Health Division, Chair, 2003-2004. 

Association of Public Health Laboratories, Past President (1996-97) and Chair of Leadership Development Task Force (2001-2004) (Previously chaired Membership, Training and Education, and Global Health committees).  

Clinical Laboratory Management Association, Research Advisory Board, 1999 to 2002. (Previously served on National Affairs and Strategic Planning committees). 

Editorial Board, Emerging Infectious Diseases, 1997 to 2000. 

Program Committee, First International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases, Atlanta, 1998. 

Consultant to Pathologists Overseas and the Eritrea Ministry of Health, 1997. 

University of Vermont, Institutional Biosafety Committee (1989 to present), Academic Support Programs Advisory Committee (2004-2006) and First Year Experience Committee (2002-2003). 

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Care Financing Administration, Laboratory Technical Advisory Committee, 1996-1997. 

Chair, Second National Conference on Laboratory Aspects of Tuberculosis, Atlanta, 1995. 

Clinical Laboratory Management Review, Reviewer, 1993 to 1995. 

Consultant to World Bank on Imo Health and Population Project (Nigeria), 1993. 

President, New Hampshire/Vermont Chapter, Clinical Laboratory Management Association, 1992-1994.

President, California Association of Public Health Laboratory Directors, 1988 

Board of Directors, American Lung Association of San Bernardino, Inyo and Mono Counties, 1987-1988         

          Journal of Infectious Diseases, Reviewer, 1978-1980.

 Invited Presentations/Workshops/Seminars/Symposia 

·         How Does Training Fit into the Laboratory of the Future?, 1st National Laboratory Training Network Conference, Grand Rapids, MI, June 1996

·         Public Health Laboratories and Environmental Testing, IAETL Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, September 9, 1996.

·         Data Collection and Technology, New England Regional Minority Health Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, April 13, 1998

·         Panelist, Success and Challenges in Achieving the Goals of Healthy People 2000, Healthy People 2010 Regional Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, October 5, 1998.

·         Keynote Address, Microbiology and its Continuing Impact on Public Health, Distinguished Branch Member Leadership Award Dinner, Eastern Pennsylvania Branch of the American Society for Microbiology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 27, 1999

·         The Essential Role of Public Health Laboratories, Pan American Health Organization Consultation Meeting, Washington, D.C., April 28, 1999

·         Convener, Laboratory-based Surveillance: Meeting the Public Health Need, American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, June, 1999.

·         Perspectives of an Accredited Laboratory, 1999 Johnson Conference on Environmental Laboratory Accreditation and Quality Assurance, Johnson, Vermont, July 13, 1999

·         Food Safety, Council of State Governments, Northeast Agriculture Policy Forum, Burlington, Vermont, August 8, 1999

·         The State of Public Health Laboratories, Military Public Health Laboratory Symposium and Workshop, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, DC, September 21-23, 1999.

·         Panelist, Healthy People 2000 Progress Review on Immunization and Infectious Diseases, Satellite broadcast chaired by Dr David Satcher, Surgeon General, NIH, Bethesda, MD, December 1, 1999.

·         Healthy Vermonters 2010: Understanding the Challenges, Healthy Vermonters 2010 Symposium, Killington, VT, September 19, 2000.

·         Report from APHL, 3rd Meeting of Caribbean National Epidemiologists and Laboratory Directors, CAREC, Port of Spain, Trinidad, October 4-7, 2000.

·         Public Health Emergency Resources, Statewide Medical Disaster Planning and Preparedness, sponsored by Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems, Killington, Vermont, October 18, 2000

·         Convener, Direct Access to Testing: How Does it Affect Public Health?, APHA Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, November 14, 2000.

·         Public Health Issues Relating to Emerging Infectious Diseases, University of Vermont College of Medicine, Genetics-Epidemiology-Ethics Course, Burlington, VT, January 24, 2001.

·         Global AIDS Program: WHO-Sponsored Laboratory Workshop on Strengthening Laboratory Systems in the African region, February 21-23, Harare, Zimbabwe.

·         Keynote Address, New Hampshire Public Health Laboratories 100th Anniversary, Concord, NH, June 2, 2001

·         Healthy Vermonters 2010-Vermont's Blueprint for Improving Public Health, CCTV Program, Burlington, Vermont, June 8, 2001

·         Keynote Address, LIFE in Africa, Annual Meeting of the National Laboratory Training Network, Eastern Region, Baltimore, MD, February, 2002.

·         Public Health Laboratory Directors: From Technical Supervisors to Public Health Leaders, 2002 APHL Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June, 2002.

·         Cross-cutting Experiences, One World: How Domestic HIV Programs Benefit from International Work, NASTAD Symposium, Washington, DC, March 2003.

·         Quality Laboratory Practice and its Impact on Global Health, Champlain Valley Regional Conference, VSCLS, Burlington, VT, April, 2003

·         Zimbabwe’s National Microbiology Reference Laboratory, GAP Technical Strategies and Approaches for Laboratory Support, CDC, Atlanta, GA, May 15, 2003

·         The Threat of Bioterrorism: How Frightened Should We Really Be?, University of Vermont, Alumni Reunion Weekend, May 30, 2003.

·         Across the Fence, Medical Laboratory Science as a Career, WCAX, April 14, 2004.

·         Laboratory Management Workshop, Sponsored by Association of Public Health Laboratories, Harare, Zimbabwe, April 26-30, 2004

·         Convener, Emerging Infectious Diseases-2004, American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, May 25, 2004.

·         Convener, Global Health Challenges; The critical role for laboratories, American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, May 26, 2004.

·         Building Laboratory Infrastructure for Global Health: Start with the Basics, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials/ Association of Public Health Laboratories Annual Meetings, St Paul, September 30, 2004.

·         Diplomacy and Cultural Protocols, International Laboratory Orientation, Division of Laboratory Systems, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, December 13-15, 2004.

·         Convener, Crossing the Species Barrier-Zoonoses Arising from New Practices, American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, May 2005.

·         Laboratory Management Workshop, Sponsored by Association of Public Health Laboratories, Harare, Zimbabwe, June, 2005.

·         Microbiology and Global Health, Hartwick College, Oneonta, NY, November, 2005.

·         Leadership. Vermont Emergency Medical Services Annual Meeting, Management Program, Burlington, March, 2006.

·         The Status of Clinical Laboratories in Vermont. Fletcher Allen Healthcare, 2006.

·         Working in the Global Health Arena, University of Vermont, ALANA Program, 2006.

·         Opportunities in Health, Advanced Medquest/AHEC, July, 2006

·         Access to Care, Minority Health Conference, Greater Burlington Multicultural Resource Center, September, 2006.


Grants/Cooperative Agreements/Contracts          

Building Chronic Disease Epidemiology Infrastructure, Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, Cooperative Agreement, $250,000, awarded, 1996-2001.

Public Health Policy Issues Facing Laboratories, $20,000 Contract awarded by the Center for Public Health Laboratory Leadership through APHL, June, 2004

Vermont Health Workforce Supply and Demand Monitoring Systems, Joint investigator, HRSA, $394,000, awarded 2004-2005.

Instilling Global Health in the Medical and Undergraduate Experience, Joint Awardee, Frymoyer Scholarship, University of Vermont, $50,000, 2006-2008.




The effect of nystatin and amphotericin B on the germination of chlamydospores of Candida albicans.  Master's Thesis, Wagner College, 1971. 

Studies on the changes associated with polymyxin B resistance in a mutant of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.  Doctoral dissertation, Temple University, 1976. 


Wilcke, B.W., Jr., and K.R. Cundy.  Changes associated with polymyxin B resistance in a mutant of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.  Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, New York, 1975. 

Wilcke, B.W., Jr., T.F. Midura and R.M. Wood.  Utilization of kanamycin-egg yolk medium for the isolation of Clostridium botulinum from feces in cases of infant botulism.  Abstracts of the Seventeenth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, New York, 1977. 

Budzko, D.B., D.F. Jelinek and B.W. Wilcke, Jr.  Nonspecific and false-positive reactions in the hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) test for the detection of rubella antibodies.  Abstracts of the 108th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Detroit, 1980. 

Wilcke, B.W., Jr., C.E. Newcomer, M.R. Anver, J.L. Simmons and G.W. Nace.  Isolation of Chlamydia psittaci from African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis).  Abstracts of the Twenty-first Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Chicago, 1981. 

Murray, D., J. Sparling, A. Diallo and B.W. Wilcke, Jr. Immune status of medical students to rubella and other viral         diseases.  Abstracts of the 110th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, 1982. 

Murray, D., J. Sparling, A. Diallo and B.W. Wilcke, Jr. Identifying medical students susceptible to rubella and other viral diseases.  Abstracts of the 111th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Dallas, 1983. 

Coffee, S.J., and B.W. Wilcke, Jr.  Detection of low-level rubella antibody using the latex agglutination test. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Las Vegas, 1985. 

Morales, R.E., and B.W. Wilcke, Jr.  Cross-contamination problems experienced in using the radiometric procedure for the isolation of mycobacteria.  Abstracts of the Twenty-eighth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Los Angeles, 1988.  

Taylor, A.F., B.W. Wilcke, Jr., S.J. Coffee, S.K. Simon, R.S.E. Kim and A. Morton.  Prevalence of HIV infection in an urban county.  Abstracts of the 116th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, 1988. 

Barnes, R., J.I. Curry, L.M. Elliott, C.R. Peter, B.W. Wilcke, Jr., and B.R. Tamplin.  Evaluation of the 7-hour membrane filter test for quantitation of fecal coliforms in water.  Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, 1989. 

Lawrence, T., C. Drawbaugh, B. Wilcke.  Comparison of commercial assays for the detection of Giardia lamblia.  Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, 1992 

Carney, J.K., S.E.Schoenfeld, R.A Cameron, M.J Nyland-Funke, B.W. Wilcke and P.D Galbraith. An analysis of pertussis in a high school population in Vermont. Abstracts of the International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases, Atlanta, 1998. 

Kifloum, B., M. Seyoum, R. Timperi and B. Wilcke. Starting from scratch. Eritrea's national program against tuberculosis. Abstracts of the International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases, Atlanta, 1998. 

Wilcke, B., R. Timperi, N. Majid and M. Seyoum. Strengthening public health laboratory services in Eritrea. Abstracts of the International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases, Atlanta, 1998. 

Westphal, R.G., P. Galbraith and B.W. Wilcke. Antimicrobial resistance surveillance in Vermont hospitals. Abstracts of the 128th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, 2000. 

Wilcke, B., J. Carney, P. Berry, and S. Moffat. A new vision for health planning. Abstracts of the 128th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, 2000. 

Lall, B., K. Shah and B. Wilcke. Public Health Laboratories and HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa: Efforts in Zimbabwe. Abstracts of the Third international conference on emerging Infectious diseases, Atlanta, 2002. 

Inhorn, S.L., R.L.Cada, F.P. Downes, B. Wilcke, Jr., J.R. Ford. The provision and assurance of comprehensive public health laboratory services. Healthy People 2005:  Progress Towards the 2010 Goals, Texas Public Health Association, September, 2005.         

Wilcke, B., M.V.Palumbo, R.Ross, B. McIntosh. Assessing the medical laboratory workforce in a rural state. Abstracts of the 133rd American public Health Association Meeting, Philadelphia, 2005.

Rambur, B, MV Palumbo, RH Ross, B Wilcke, Jr. Health professional workforce dynamics across four professions in a small rural state. 18th Annual Scientific Sessions, Eastern Nursing Research Society, April, 2006.

Wilcke, BW, B McIntosh, MV Palumbo, RH Ross, B Rambur. Assessing laboratory quality systems in a rural state. Abstracts of the Annual Research Meeting-Academy Health, Seattle, June 2006.

Wilcke, BW et al. Strengthening APHA affiliates through regional collaboration. Abstracts of 134th American Public Health Association Meeting, Boston, 2006.

Wilcke, BW, MV Palumbo, R Ross, B McIntosh. Linking occupational commitment to retention: Evidence from laboratorians. Abstracts of the 134Th American Public Health Association Meeting, Boston, 2006.


Wilcke, B.W., Jr., T.F. Midura and S.S. Arnon.  Quantitative evidence of intestinal colonization by Clostridium botulinum in four cases of infant botulism.  Journal of Infectious Diseases 141: 419-412, 1980. 

Budzko, D.B., D.F. Jelinek and B.W. Wilcke, Jr.  Nonspecific reactions in the hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) test for the detection of rubella antibodies.  Journal of Clinical Microbiology 13: 818-823, 1981. 

Newcomer, C.E., M.R. Anver, J.L. Simmons, B.W. Wilcke, Jr., and G.W. Nace.  Spontaneous and experimental infections of the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) with

Chlamydia psittaci.  Laboratory Animal Science 32: 680-686, 1982. 

Wilcke, B.W., Jr., C.E. Newcomer, M.R. Anver, J.L. Simmons, and G.W. Nace.  Isolation of Chlamydia psittaci from naturally-infected African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis). Infection and Immunity 41: 789-794, 1983. 

Lawrence, T.G., D.B. Budzko and B.W. Wilcke, Jr.  Detection of Herpes simplex virus in clinical specimens by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.  American Journal of Clinical Pathology 81: 339-341, 1984. 

Sobieh, M., J.V. Tacal, Jr., B.W. Wilcke, Jr., W. Lawrence and A. El-Ahraf.  Investigation of cryptosporidia infection in calves in San Bernardino County, California.  Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 191: 816-818, 1987. 

Barnes, R., J.I. Curry, L.M. Elliott, C.R. Peter, B.R. Tamplin, and B.W. Wilcke, Jr.  Evaluation of the 7-h membrane filter test for quantitation of fecal coliforms in water. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 55: 1504-1506, 1989. 

El-Ahraf, A., J.V. Tacal, Jr., W. Lawrence, B.W. Wilcke, Jr., M. Sobieh and M. Amin. Prevalence of Cryptosporidium in humans and dogs in San Bernardino County, California. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 198: 631-634, 1991. 

Bissell, M.G. and the National Affairs Committee of the Clinical Laboratory Management Association.  Ensuring universal access to quality laboratory services: CLMA white paper. Clinical Laboratory Management Review 8: 185-240,1994. 

Wilcke, B.W., Jr. The state of public health laboratories. Military Medicine, 165, Suppl.2: 8-11, 2000. 

Craig, W., K. Cook, J. Carney, S. Schoenfeld, B. Wilcke, and T. Algao. Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome-Vermont, 2000. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 50: 603-605, 2001.

Witt-Kushner, J, J.R. Astles, J.C. Ridderhof, R.A. Martin, B Wilcke, F.P.Downes, S.L.Inhorn, H.P.Kelley, P.B. Kimsey, D.E. Mills, M Salfinger, P.A Shult, M.P.Verma, S.J.Becker, D.J Drabkowski. Core functions and capabilities of state public health laboratories: A report of the Association of Public Health Laboratories. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 51(RR14):1-8, 2002 

Leslie, MJ, M Auslander, L Conti, P Ettestead, F E Sorhage, B Sun, C Armstrong, D M Gatewood, S R Jenkins, L Moule, C E Rupprecht, J Schilitz, D Slate, C V Trimarchi, B Wilcke. Compendium of animal rabies prevention and control, 2006. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 228(No. 6): 858-864, 2006. 

Inhorn, S L, B Wilcke, F Downes, O Adjanor, R Cada, J Ford. A comprehensive laboratory services survey of state public health laboratories. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 2006. (Accepted for publication) 

Wilcke, BW.   Workforce challenges in our public health laboratory system. Laboratory Medicine, 2006 (Accepted for publication). 

Wilcke, BW. Developing laboratory leaders: A case for including leadership in the medical laboratory science curriculum. (Submitted for publication).


Book Chapter

“Assuring Laboratory Readiness for Bioterrorism”, Becker, S., M. Gilchrist, B. Wilcke. In Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response: Ensuring Public Health Readiness, Aspen (Invited Chapter; Publication Pending)

Non-refereed Publicaitons

Wilcke, B and K Foley. Faculty Recruitment.  Advance for Medical Laboratory Professionals. February 1, 2006.