The New World of Global Health, Jon Cohen

Can Extreme Poverty Be Eliminated?, Jeffrey D. Sachs

Social Determinants of Health Inequalities, Michael Marmot

Reinventing Global Health: The Role of Science, Technology and Innovation, Calestous Juma, Lee Yee-Cheong


Malnutrition is a determining factor in diarrheal duration, but not incidence, among young children in a longitudinal study in rural Bangladesh R. Black, K Brown, S. Becker

Diarrheal Diseases Control Program: Global Activities, 1983

Diarrhea persists as scourge of third world, William K. Stevens

Water Related Diseases: Diarrhea, World Health Organization


Fear and Mystery of Cross-Species Killer, CNN

'Mad Cow' Report Criticizes British Officials, CNN

West Nile Cases Drop as Immunities Emerge, Experts Say, L.A. Times

Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of West Nile virus infection, Lyle R. Petersen, MD, MPH

Epidemiology and pathogenesis of West Nile virus infection, Lyle R. Petersen, MD, MPH


African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness), World Health Organization

Chagas Disease, Directors of Health Promotion and Education


In Ethiopia's Malaria War, Weapons are the Issue, Donald G. McNeil Jr.

Warming to Malaria, Arthur Allen

Role of traditional healers in the management of severe malaria among children below five years of age: the case of Kilosa and Handeni Districts, Tanzania , Emmanuel A Makundi, Hamisi M. Malebo, Paula Mhame, Andrew Y. Kitua, Marian Warsame

Light at end of malaria tunnel, Richard Tren


The global value of vaccination, Jennifer Ehreth

One in four infants still at risk from vaccine preventable diseases, UNICEF

Immunization against diseases of public health importance, World Health Organization

Lives Lost as Vaccine Programs Face Delays, Justin Gillis


The Global HIV/AIDS Pandemic, 2006, CDC

HIV/AIDS: global trends, global funds and delivery bottlenecks, Hoosen M. Coovadia, Jacqui Hadingham


Fact Sheet on Water and Sanitation, United Nations

Diluting the pain of arsenic poisoning in Nepal, Sagun S. Lawoti

Reducing arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh, Louise Russell

Not Just a Drop in the Bucket: Expanding Access to Point-of-Use Water Treatment Systems, Eric Mintz, M.D., MPH, Jamie Bartram, PhD, Peter Lochery, MSc(Eng), and Martin Wegelin, MSc

Safe water treatment and storage in the home: A practical new strategy to prevent waterborne disease, E. Mintz, F. Reiff, R. Tauxe,


Food Safety in the 21st Century, F. Kaferstein, M. Abdussalam

Food Safety and Irradiation: Protecting the Public from Foodborne Infections, Robert V. Tauxe

Food Safety and Foodborne Illness, World Health Organization

Human Campylobacteriosis in Developing Countries, Akitoye O. Coker, Raphael D. Isokpehi, Bolaji N. Thomas, Kehinde O. Amisu, and C. Larry Obi

Campylobacter, World Health Organization

Food Safety: A Growing Global Health Problem, David Satcher, M.D., PhD


Neonatal pneumonia in developing countries, T. Duke

Infant Mortality, Encyclopedia of Death and Dying

Neonatal Tetanus, World Health Organization

Halting the Global Epidemic of Neonatal Death and Malnutrition, Barbara Crossette


Sexual and reproductive health: a matter of life and death, Anna Glasier, A. Metin Gülmezoglu, PhD, George P Schmid, MD, Claudia Garcia Moreno, MD and Paul FA Van Look, MD

The Birth of Reproductive Health: A Difficult Delivery, Shereen El Feki

Maternal Health from Millenium Indicators, United Nations

Obstetric Fistula: Life Shattering But Preventable, Jessica Bankes Beattie

Obstetric Fistula: Ending the Silence, Easing the Suffering, Info Reports

Obstetric Fistula: moving beyond the silence in Africa, Engender Health


Sectorization and Sub-sectorization of Mental Health Services in Developing Countries, Arthur J. Anderson, PhD

Fighting Poverty with Peace of Mind, The World Bank

Poverty and Mental Health in the Developing World, Keya Acharya

Worldwide Initiative for the Prevention of Suicide, World Health Organization


Multinational clinical trials in oncology and post-trial benefits for host countries: where do we stand?,  M.S. Mano, D.D. Rosa, L.D. Lago

Ethics and governance of global health inequalities, J.P. Ruger

Ethical concerns in nurse migration, B.J. McElmurry, K. Solheim, R. Kishi, M.A. Coffia, W. Woith, P. Janepanish

Voluntary participation and informed consent to international genetic research, P.A. Marshall, C.A. Adebamowo, A.A. Adeyemo, T. O. Ogundiran, M. Vekich, J. Zhou, T.E. Prewitt, R. S. Cooper, C.N. Rotimi