Professor, Robert F. and Genevieve B. Patrick Endowed Chair in Watershed Science and Planning

I am a watershed hydrologist and geomorphologist who works where people live, work, and play. The goal of my research is to improve the resilience and sustainability of water resources and aquatic ecosystems in the Anthropocene. I combine data collection in the environment, with lab work, numerical modeling, and collaboration with social scientists, engineers, ecologists, and others to solve interdisciplinary problems connecting water and people. Much of my group’s research focuses on urban watersheds, stormwater management, and plastic pollution.

Within and beyond the urban environment, I am interested in climate change’s effects on winter snowpacks and flood regimes and in how environmental decisions are made. I also interweave science communication, education, and public engagement throughout my professional activities.


Selected Publications

  • Turner, V.K., Gmoser-Daskalakis, K., Costello, D., Jefferson, A.J., and Bhaskar, A. 2022. Champions and Traditional Technocrats: The Role of Environmental Value Orientation in Stormwater Management. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 58(3): 336-354, doi: 10.1111/1752-1688.13015.
  • Fillo, N.F.., Bhaskar, A.S., and Jefferson, A.J., 2021. Lawn irrigation contributions to semi-arid urban baseflow based on water-stable isotopes. Water Resources Research. 57(8): e20202WR028777, doi: 10.1029/2020WR028777.
  • Avellaneda, P.M. and Jefferson, A.J. 2020. Sensitivity of streamflow metrics to infiltration-based stormwater management networks. Water Resources Research. 56(7): e2019WR026555, doi: 10.1029/2019WR026555.
  • Bell, C.D., Wolfand, J., Panos, C., Bhaskar, A., Gilliom, R., Hogue, T., Hopkins, K.G., Jefferson, A.J. 2020. Stormwater control impacts on runoff volume and peak flow: A meta-analysis. Hydrological Processes. 34(14): 3134-3152, doi: 10.1002/hyp.13784.
  • Blauch, G. and Jefferson, A.J., 2019., If a tree falls in an urban stream, does it stick around? Mobility, characteristics, and geomorphic influence of large wood in urban streams in northeastern Ohio, USA. Geomorphology. 337: 1-14. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2019.03.033.
  • Jefferson, A.J., Bhaskar, A., Fanelli, R., Hopkins, K.G., Avellaneda, P.M., and McMillan, S.K. 2017. Stormwater management network effectiveness and implications for urban watershed function: a critical review. Hydrological Processes. 31(23): 4056–4080, doi:10.1002/hyp.11347. (Citations = 127)
  • Avellaneda, P.M., Jefferson, A.J., Grieser, J.M., and Bush, S.A., 2017. Simulation of the cumulative hydrological response to green infrastructure. Water Resources Research. 53(4): 3087-3101, doi:10.1002/2016WR019836
  • Bell, C.D., McMillan, S.K., Clinton, S.M., and Jefferson, A.J. 2016. Hydrologic response to stormwater control measures in urban watersheds. Journal of Hydrology. 541: 1488-1500. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.08.049.
  • Turner, V.K., Jarden, K.M., and Jefferson, A.J. 2016. Resident perspectives on green infrastructure in an experimental suburban stormwater management program. Cities and the Environment, 9(1): art. 4.
  • Jarden, K.M., Jefferson, A.J., and Grieser, J.M. 2016. Assessing the effects of street-scale green infrastructure retrofits on hydrograph characteristics, northeastern Ohio, USA, Hydrologic Processes, 30(10):1536-1550. doi: 10.1002/hyp.10736.
  • Jefferson, A.J., Bell, C.D., Clinton, S., and McMillan, S. 2015. Application of isotope hydrograph separation to understand urban stormwater dynamics, Hydrological Processes, 29(25): 5290-5306. doi: 10.1002/hyp.10680.
  • Jefferson, A.J. and McGee, R.W. 2013. Channel network extent in the context of historical land use, flow generation processes, and landscape evolution, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 38(6): 601-613, doi:10.1002/esp.3308. 
  • Jefferson, A.J. 2011. Seasonal versus transient snow and the elevation dependence of climate sensitivity in maritime mountainous regions, Geophysical Research Letters, 38: L16402, doi:10.1029/2011GL048346.
  • Jefferson, A.J., Grant, G., Lancaster, S., and Lewis, S., 2010, Coevolution of hydrology and topography on a basalt landscape in the Oregon Cascade Range, USA, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 35(7): 803-816. doi: 10.1002/esp.1976.
  • Jefferson, A.J., Nolin, A., Lewis, S., and Tague, C., 2008. Hydrogeologic controls on streamflow sensitivity to climatic variability, Hydrological Processes. 22(22): 4371–4385.
Anne Jefferson

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

Instructional program: Environmental Sciences
Research: Watershed hydrology and geomorphology


  • PhD Geology, Oregon State University 2006
  • MS Water Resources Science, University of Minnesota 2002
  • BA Earth and Planetary Science, The Johns Hopkins University 2001


  • 802-656-5734
Office Location:

312G Aiken Center, 81 Carrigan Dr