UVM Mindfulness Program Coordinator

Lindsay Foreman (they/them) is the UVM Mindfulness Program Coordinator. Their goal is to support students to explore who they are, cultivate deep wellness and fulfillment, and engage in positive behaviors that support themselves, their communities, and the world.

Lindsay has been practicing mindfulness since 1998 and teaching since 2009. They have dedicated over 4000 hours in formal meditation practice; on retreats, in residential training, and in daily practice. For Lindsay, mindfulness is not only a path for personal peace and well-being but ultimately for the peace and well-being of all. Over the past few years, influenced by the teachings of Rev. angel Kyodo williams and the Radical Dharma movement, a central focus of Lindsay's mindfulness practice is actively investigating and addressing racial injustice and related forms of oppression.  Lindsay is immensely grateful to all the meditation teachers who have supported them over the last 22 years, and to the lineage of meditation teachers that go back thousands of years. They feel honored to have the opportunity to share what they have learned and are passionate about supporting students on their own unique journey with mindfulness.

To listen to Lindsay's guided meditations and lessons on mindfulness you can check out https://soundcloud.com/mindfulnessuvm

Lindsay wears a red jacket and grins from a green Adirondack chair

Areas of Expertise and/or Research

  • Certified Unified Mindfulness Facilitator
  • Certified Kripalu Yoga teacher
  • Training mindfulness facilitators
  • Mindfulness and social justice - intersections of individual and collective liberation/well-being
  • Compassion and resilience


  • MS, University of Vermont
  • BA, Depaul University


  • 802-656-1025