Available Now:

A New Supplier Request form has been created in PeopleSoft which allows requesters to directly enter supplier information and attach W-9 forms into the supplier file. The Disbursement Center will then review, request additional information (if needed), and approve the supplier entry. The requester will be notified when supplier approval is complete to begin creating a requisition.

Access to this new feature is granted to those individuals who create requisitions.

Now through June 30, 2024: (Transition Period)

The hyperlink on requisitions “Suggest New Supplier” will be replaced with “Request a New Supplier.” The new hyperlink will take you to the New Supplier Request Form.

What does this mean for requesters?

  • Speedier supplier setup and monitoring of the process at your fingertips.
  • No longer attaching IRS W-9s or UVM’s Supplier W-9 Forms to requisitions.
  • Protecting the privacy of the supplier’s tax-reporting information by directly entering into PeopleSoft supplier file.
  • Elimination of separate file transfers of supplier forms to Disbursement.
  • Elimination of separate emails to Disbursement.
  • Reduction of duplication of effort.

New Supplier Request Form resources: Job Aid Guidelines and video tutorial are available.

If you have any questions about the New Supplier Request form or the process to enter the information in PeopleSoft, please contact the Disbursement Center – supplier@uvm.edu.

Effective July 1, 2024:

FY 25 Requisitions will require an approved Supplier ID to be entered on each requisition line to create, save, or submit a requisition.

If you have any questions about the requisition process and these updates, please contact Purchasing Services – purchase@uvm.edu.

Contact Us

Disbursement Center


Disbursement Center
205 Waterman
Burlington, VT 05405

Purchasing Services
