A blonde white woman in her early sixties embraces a young white man with cerebral palsy -- both smile happily at the camera; a Black toddler lies upside-down on a sofa with her feet in the air; a pre-teen almond-skinned boy with cerebral palsy grins happily from a wheelchair with a supportive neck brace.

A therapeutic & preventative approach which considers body positions over a 24-hour period, to maximize function and decrease body distortion in people with movement disorders.

We provide consultation and training for providers across Vermont who work with children and young adults with movement disorders.

Two small boys


More about 24-hour postural care

24-Hour Postural Care provides free consultation on:

  • Analyzing posture across a 24-hour period
  • Assessing body symmetry and other outcomes measures such as pain levels and quality and quantity of sleep
  • Trialing, ordering, fitting a sleep system, if needed
  • Assessing positioning in other equipment throughout the day
  • Identifying the positioning goals for each activity within a 24-hour period


The 24-Hour Postural Care Project receives funding support from the UVM Center on Disability & Community Inclusion (CDCI) and the Vermont Child Health Improvement Program (VCHIP), through the University of Vermont Medical Center.

24-hour postural care logo

What is 24-Hour Postural Care?



Forms for requesting technical assistance:

Note: The online referral form will ask you to upload a completed Parent Permission Form as part of your request.