Cultivar links go to photos. Site
and other comments follow the table.
species | Cultivar | flower color |
vulgaris | Adelaide Dunbar | pur-VII dbl | |
vulgaris | Agincourt Beauty | vio-II sgl |
prestoniae x | Agnes Smith | wht-I sgl | |
vulgaris | Albert Holden | vio-II sgl |
vulgaris | Angel White | wht-I sgl |
josiflexa x | Anna Amhoff | wht-I sgl | |
hyacinthiflora x | Annabel | pink-V dbl |
vulgaris | Arch McKean | pur-VII sgl |
hyacinthiflora x | Assessippi | lav-lilac-IV sgl |
vulgaris | Atheline Wilbur | red-VI sgl | |
villosa | Aurea | pink-V sgl | |
vulgaris | Avalanche | wht-I sgl |
vulgaris | Belle de Nancy | pink-V dbl |
josiflexa x | Bellicent | pink-V sgl | |
vulgaris | Big Blue | blue-III sgl |
hyacinthiflora x | Blanche Sweet | blue-III |
vulgaris | Bleuatre | blue-III |
vulgaris | Blue Skies | blue-III |
vulgaris | Bridal Memories | wht-I sgl |
vulgaris | Burgundy Queen | pur-VII sgl |
vulgaris | California Rose | pink-V sgl |
prestoniae x | Calphurnia | lilac-IV sgl | |
vulgaris | Catawba Pink | pink-V dbl | |
vulgaris | Charles Joly | pur-VII dbl |
vulgaris | Charm | pink-V sgl |
oblata var. dilatata | Cheyenne | blue-III sgl |
vulgaris | Christophe Colomb | lilac-IV sgl |
vulgaris | Clyde Heard | red-VI sgl |
vulgaris | Common Purple | pur |
vulgaris | Common White | wht |
vulgaris | Congo | red-VI sgl |
prestoniae x | Coral | pk-V sgl | |
quatrobrida x | Dancing Druid | red-VI sgl | |
vulgaris | Dappled Dawn | red-VI sgl |
vulgaris | Dark Night | pur-VII sgl |
prestoniae | Dawn | pink-V sgl | |
prestoniae | Desdemona | blue-III sgl | |
prestoniae x | Donald Wyman | pur-VII sgl | |
vulgaris | Edith Cavelle | wht-I dbl |
vulgaris | Edmond Boissier | pur-VII sgl |
vulgaris | Edward Gardner | pink-V dbl |
vulgaris | Ekwanok | lilac-IV dbl |
josiflexa x | Elaine | wht-I sgl | |
prestoniae x | Elinor | blue-III sgl | |
hyacinthiflora x | Esther Staley | pk-V sgl |
vulgaris | Etna | pur-VII sgl |
hyacinthiflora | Evangeline | pur-VII sgl |
quintobrida x | Eventide | vio-II sgl |
hyacinthiflora x | Excel | lilac-IV sgl |
x | Ferna Alexander | pink-V sgl | |
vulgaris | Firmament | blue-III sgl |
vulgaris | Fr. John L. Fiala | wht-I dbl |
prestoniae x | Francisca | pur-VII sgl | |
vulgaris | General Sheridan | wht-I dbl |
julianae | George Eastman | red-VI sgl | |
vulgaris | Glory | red-VI sgl |
wolfii x | Hagny | pink-V | |
prestoniae | Helen | pink-V sgl | |
prestoniae | Hiawatha | red-VI sgl | |
prestoniae x | Isabella | lilac-IV sgl | |
prestoniae x | James MacFarlane | pk-V sgl | |
prestoniae x | Jessica | vio-II sgl | |
josiflexa x | Jessie Hepler | red-VI sgl | |
tribrida x | Josee | blue-III sgl | |
prestoniae x | Juliet | red-VI sgl | |
vulgaris | Katherine Havemeyer | med pk-V dbl |
vulgaris | Kosmos | vio-II sgl | |
vulgaris | Krasavitsa Moskvy | wht-I dbl |
Kum Bum | |||
tribrida x | Lark Song | pk-V sgl | |
vulgaris | Lavender Lady | pur-VII sgl |
vulgaris | Leon Gambetta | lilac-IV dbl |
vulgaris | Letha House | red-VI sgl |
vulgaris | Little Boy Blue |
vulgaris | Lois Amee Utley | pink-V dbl | |
vulgaris | Lucie Baltet | pink-V sgl |
vulgaris | Ludwig Spaeth | pur-VII sgl |
vulgaris | Marie Finon | wht-I sgl |
vulgaris | Marie Frances | pk-V sgl |
vulgaris | Marie Legraye | wht-I sgl |
vulgaris | Marlyensis | lav-IV sgl |
hyacinthiflora | Mary Short | pink-V dbl | |
vulgaris | Michael Buchner | lilac-IV dbl |
tribrida x | Minuet | pk-V sgl | |
prestoniae x | Miss Canada | pk-V sgl | |
vulgaris | Miss Ellen Willmott | wht-I dbl |
patula | Miss Kim | vio-II sgl | |
vulgaris | Mme Lemoine | wht-I dbl |
vulgaris | Mme. Casimir Perier | wht-I dbl |
vulgaris | Monge | pur-VII sgl |
vulgaris | Monique Lemoine | wht-I dbl |
vulgaris | Montaigne | pk-V dbl |
vulgaris | Mrs W.E. Marshall | pur-VII sgl |
vulgaris | Mrs. Ed Harding | red-VI dbl |
hyacinthiflora x | Mt Baker | wht-I sgl |
vulgaris | Nadezhda | vio-II dbl |
prestoniae x | Nike | vio-II sgl | |
prestoniae | Nocturne | blue-III sgl | |
vulgaris | Olimpiada Kolesnikova | lilac-IV dbl |
vulgaris | Olivier de Serres | blue-III dbl |
villosa | Onarga | pink-V sgl | |
vulgaris | P.P. Konshalovskii | blue-III dbl |
meyeri | Palibin | vio-II sgl | |
vulgaris | Paul Thirion | red-VI dbl |
vulgaris | Pixie | wht-I sgl | |
hyacinthiflora x | Pocahontas (blight) | pur-VII sgl |
prestoniae x | Portia | pink-V sgl | |
vulgaris | Prairie Petite | pur-VII sgl | |
vulgaris | Pres. Grevy | blue-III dbl |
vulgaris | Pres. Lincoln | blue-III sgl |
vulgaris | President Harding | pur-VII sgl |
vulgaris | President Poincare | red-VI dbl | |
vulgaris | Primrose | wht-I sgl |
vulgaris | Prodige | pur-VII sgl |
yunanensis | Prophecy | vio-II sgl | |
chinensis x | Red Rothamagensis | red-VI sgl |
josiflexa x | Redwine | red-VI sgl | |
vulgaris | Rochester | wht-I |
hyacinthiflora | Royal Purple | pur-VII dbl |
josiflexa x | Royalty | pur-VII sgl | |
vulgaris | Ruhm von Horstenstein | red-VI sgl |
nanceiana x | Rutlilant | pur-VII sgl | |
vulgaris | Sarah Sands | pur-VII sgl |
chinensis | Saugeana | pur-VII sgl |
vulgaris | Sensation | (close) | pur-VII sgl |
hyacinthiflora | Sierra Snow | wht-I sgl |
prestoniae | Silvia | pink-V sgl | |
hyacinthiflora | Sister Justina | wht-I sgl | |
x | Swegiflexa | pink-V sgl | |
x | Tinkerbelle | pink-V sgl | |
vulgaris | Victor Lemoine | lilac-IV dbl |
vulgaris | Volcan | pur-VII dgl | |
vulgaris | Wedgewood Blue | blue-III sgl |
vulgaris | Wonderblue | blue-III sgl |
vulgaris | Yankee Doodle | pur-VII sgl |
josikaea | vio-II sgl | ||
laciniata | |||
meyeri | vio-II sgl |
persica | lilac-IV sgl | ||
reflexa | pink-V sgl | ||
villosa | pink-V sgl | ||
wolfii | red-VI sgl |
*bacterial blight ratings 6/3/00: (symptom on Pocahontas)
2=less than 25% of shoots and flowers affected, flowers basically unaffected
3=25-75% of shoots and flowers affected, few flowers if any and poor
4=over 75% of shoots and flowers affected, no flowers/flowers totally brown
5=dead, or 100% of shoots affected with secondary buds emerging from main branches
General Observations: Plants are located in Milton, Vermont in USDA zone 4A, on stoney loam soil. Although they are not replicated, hopefully these observations may be of some use. There appeared to be no differences due to location, flower color, or age of plant. Plants vary in age from 5-15 years. If plants are infected, there is a good chance they will be in a similar climate, however under less optimal conditions for the disease they may not. If plants are not infected here, this does not necessarily mean they will not be under other conditions, although of these cultivars they seem the most resistant. Due to frequent dew at this site, often beginning early evening and lasting until late the following morning, lilacs in many years at this site get blight when this hasn't been observed at other plantings in the Champlain Valley of Vermont.
Photos: original plants | original plants from back | expanded trials
Year 2000 Observations: Due to a cloudy, cool and unusually rainy spring, bacterial blight was the most severe in 2000 over the past 10 years; almost exclusively vulgaris and hyacinthiflora cultivars were affected, and so these were rated. Those not rated are still small in pots in the nursery stage. With such weather lasting into summer, and the Preston hybrids not affected by blight, they bloomed about 2 weeks later than usual, and over a longer period, and were some of the best flower displays yet at this site. With such conditions the overall bloom season began 5/12/00 (with S. vulgaris 'Evangeline') and lasted about 6 weeks.
For more on lilacs, including more detailed descriptions, see the International Lilac Society.
For more trials on perennials, see
Perry's Perennial Pages | Sustainable