New 12/00 Perennial Combinations -- 7 combinations from gardens of England (800x600)

English Flowers and Gardens -- photos of English gardens and flowers (640x480)

Blooms of Bressingham and Foggy Bottom-- famous gardens of Alan and Adrian Bloom, Norfolk, England (800x600)

Perennials 2000 -- featured perennials, new or underutilized, seen as plants of the month (640x480)

All the above zip files are about 600KB in size, with 5 photos and various fade effects. Screen size to fill screen is shown, with photos being "framed" in smaller screen resolutions.

1,2,3 Instructions:
The screen saver is provided as a free "Zip" file.  All this means is that it is packaged a certain way, and you need a "Zip" program to "unzip" it before using.

Screensavers, and more ...
There are many more wallpapers, screen savers and directions on the web. Check these out by typing these key words in search engines, or you can start with some of the sites below. By saving images in a folder, you can then use them in screen savers as well-- either in ones you can purchase or build your own, simply or more complex, from software as in the sites below.
Where am I?  Perry's Perennial Pages |   Photos and Files | Screen Savers