Eleventh Workshop of the Northeastern Soil Monitoring Cooperative


USGS New York Water Science Center, Troy, NY

March 27, 2018




09:00 – 09:10              Welcome, IntroductionGreg Lawrence, USGS


Morning Session.       Base Additions to Forest Soils and Other Things Related


09:10 – 09:40              Rock Ouimet, Direction de la Recherche Forestière, Ministère du Québec. – “20-year results of liming northern hardwoods to ameliorate acidification


09:40 – 10:10              Paul Hazlett, Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service. – “Update on wood ash applications to forest soils


10:10 – 10:40              Stephanie Connolly, USFS. Large-scale forest liming underway in West Virginia


11:00 – 11:30              Scott Bailey, USDA Forest Service. Thirty-two year retrospective of liming northern hardwoods on the Allegheny Plateau, PA: How long did it take the lime to dissolve and how long do the effects last?


11:30 – 12:00              Andrei Lapenis, SUNY at Albany. – “Spring phenology—A newly identified ecophysiological role of the deciduous forest floor


12:00 – 12:30              Greg Lawrence, USGS. – “Is there a connection between soil-calcium depletion and nitrogen saturation?” 

Afternoon Session.    More New and Ongoing Soil Monitoring Studies


1:20 – 1:50                  Olga Vargas, NRCS. Results of the Catskill Spodic Study


1:50 – 2:20                  Matt Vadeboncoeur, Univ. of New Hampshire. – “An updated record of changing soil C in post-agricultural secondary forests at Bald Mountain, Campton NH 1980-2016”


2:20 – 2:50                  Don Ross, Univ. of Vermont. – “Latest results on the 200-year soil monitoring


2:50 – 3:10                  Doug Burns, USGSTotal mercury analysis in archived soil samples


3:30 – 3:50                  Matt Vadeboncoeur, Univ. of New Hampshire. – “Investigating SOM dynamics following forest harvest using bulk-soil 14C


3:50 – 4:05                  Josh Puhlick, Univ. of Maine. – “Assessing and monitoring the influence of forest management practices on soil productivity, carbon storage, and conservation in the Acadian Forest Region


 4:05 – 4:15                 Olga Vargas, NRCS. – “National Cooperative Soil Survey -- Updates, Revisions and New forestry interpretations


4:15 – 4:30                  Paul Hazlett, Canadian Forest Service.Progress and plans on the second soil resampling paper.


4:30 – 5:00                  New Business – migrating the Coop soil database into ScienceBase? and other odds and ends