e-mail   Kenneth.Nalibow
Course Description
Root List
Expanded Root List
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Russian 161 - Lexicology
Русский язык 161 - Лексикология
Homework Assignments / Домашняя работа

First week   ((Aug 31 - Sept. 4)
Monday  -
Introduction to the course.  Peruse syllabus, handouts on names of cases, grammatical terms.  Discuss course
                 goals.  This is a link to a list of grammatical terminology, which you  must memorize so that we
                 can use Russian in the classroom.

Wednesday  Go over first four roots and grammatical terms in class.  Before Monday's class, so that I have time to
                    correct them, send me over the Internet as an MS WOrd attached file, two sentences for each of the first nine
                    roots.  I will correct them and return them to you.  (If you wait until the last minute when I have little time to
                    examine your work, you lose the opportunity to have the sentences corrected.)
Wednesday  -  Go over next 5 (=9) roots and grammatical terms in class.

Second week  ( Sept 7 - 11)
Monday - Labor Day - No class
Be prepared for rapid-fire oral drill.   Additionally, be able to quickly say the sentences you have sent me
                    for each of the first nine roots.  Contextual reading strategy from handout.
Friday  - QUIZ on the first 9 roots.  For the quiz, be prepared to write TWO sentences using each of the roots tested, define
                   the meaning of each root tested and give TWO additional lexical items (with English translations) for each root.. 
                   In class - go over roots 10-18.  
Work on roots 10-14 and grammatical terms in class.  For Tuesday,  over the
before 6 pm on Monday, send me two sentences using each of this week's nine roots.

Тhird week  (Sept 14 - 18)
Monday -    Be prepared for rapid-fire oral drill.   Additionally,  be able to quickly say the sentences you have sent me for
                    each of this week's nine roots.  
Work on roots 15-18 and grammatical terms in class.
Wednesday  - QUIZ on the first 18 roots.  Go over roots 19-23 in class.
Friday  -     In class - go over roots 24-27.   Over the Internet, before 6 pm on Monday, send me two sentences using each
                  of this week's nine roots.  

Fourth week   (Sept 21 - 25)

Monday  -   In class - oral drill on last ten roots.  Drill using these roots in sentences.  
  - QUIZ on the first 27 roots.  Go over roots 27-30 in class.                 
Friday  -  Go over roots 31-35 in class.  Over the Internet, before 6 pm on Monday, send me two sentences using each of
                this week's nine roots. 

Fifth week  (Sept 28 - Oct. 2)
Monday -   Work orally on the first 35 roots for Thursday's exam.
EXAM on the first 36 roots.  The exam will have the same format as the quizzes.
Friday  -  At home, please go over four of the next nine roots in preparation for the homework due on Monday.

Sixth week  (Oct  5 - 9)
Monday In class - oral drill on last nine roots (through 44).  Drill using these roots in sentences.   Watch the third  film
                   excerpt from  «Возвращение» =The Return at home with a friend.  This is an unbelievably powerful film.

-   QUIZ on the first 44 roots.  Go over roots 45-50 in class.
Friday  -     Go over roots 51-54 in class.  Over the Internet, before 6 pm on Monday, send me two sentences using
                  each of this week's nine roots. 

Seventh week  (Oct  12 - 16)
Monday -        In class - oral drill on last nine roots (through 54)
  -    QUIZ on the first 54 roots.  Go over roots 54-59 in class. 
Friday  -   Go over roots 60-63 in class.  Over the Internet, before 6 pm on Monday,
                      send me
two sentences using each of this week's nine roots.

Eighth week  (Oct  19 - 23)
Monday - In class - oral drill on last nine roots (through 64).  Drill using these roots in sentences.
Wednesday QUIZ on the first 64 roots.  Go over roots 64-65 in class. 
Friday  - Go over roots 67-70 in class. Over the Internet, before 6 pm on Monday,
                      send me
two sentences using each of this week's roots.

Ninth week  (Oct  26 - 30)
Monday - In class - oral drill on last nine roots (through 70).  Drill using these roots in sentences. 
- QUIZ on the first 70 roots.  Go over roots 70-73 in class.  
Friday  -   Go over roots 74-76 in class.  Over the Internet, before 6 pm on Monday,
                      send me
two sentences using each of this week's roots.

Tenth week
  (Nov  2 - 6)
Monday  - Go over roots 77-79 in class.
WednesdayQUIZ on the first 76 roots. The exam next week will have the same format as the quizzes. 
Friday  - Go over roots 80-82 in class

Eleventh week  (Nov  9 - 13)
Monday In class - oral drill on last six roots (through 82).  Drill using these roots in sentences.
  EXAM on the first 82 roots.
Friday  -  In class - return exams and go over any problems found on them.  Over the Internet, before 6 pm on Monday,
                send me
two sentences using each of this week's roots.

Twelfth week  (Nov  16  - 20)
Monday  -   In class - oral drill on last six roots (through 88).  Drill using these
                    roots in sentences.

  -  QUIZ on the first 88 roots.   Go over roots 89-90 in class. 
Friday  - Go over roots 91-94 in class. For Monday AFTER BREAK,  over the Internet, before
                    6 pm on Monday
, send me
two sentences using each of this week's roots.

Thirteenth week
  (Nov  23 - 27)
Monday  -  Discuss Whatever is on our minds!
Wednesday - Friday - Thanksgiving Break - No class!

Fourteenth week
  (Nov  30 - Dec 4)
Monday -   In class - oral drill on last six roots (through 94).  Drill using these roots in sentences.
-  In class - oral drill on last six roots 95-97.  Drill using these roots in sentences.  
Go over roots 95-100 in class. 
Friday  -   Go over roots 98-100 in class. Over the Internet, before  6 pm on Monday, send me two sentences
                    using each of this week's roots.   Fill out

Fifteenth week  (Dec 7 - 9)
Monday In class - oral drill on roots through 100.  Drill using these roots in sentences.                   
Wednesday - 
Final Exam: 3:30 PM - 06:30 PM, Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009; WATERM 423
  The final exam, which will follow the same format as the other exams and quizzes,  will be comprised of
                        50 roots chosen from the list.  All of the roots since the last exam will be on the final.