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Writing your

Your paper is a SYNOPSIS of the material assigned.

It shall be typed, double-spaced and contain a TITLE.

Paragraphs shall be indented 5 spaces.

DOUBLE-SPACE means exactly that – NOT triple space between paragraphs.

All pages must be NUMBERED.

Citations from Kort or a reference we are using in class need not be formalized.  These

            citations may simply be a page number within parentheses (Kort, p. 28).

            Where a page citation is at the end of the sentence, the citation itself MUST be

            followed by the sentence-ending period (as the citation is part of that sentence).

Although newspapers, including the NY TIMES use single quotes, this style is

            unacceptable in formal writing.  Double quotes must be used so that a quotation

            within a quotation may be set off by single quotes.  “I hate this course because

            ‘life is difficult enough…’ without this kind of crap.”

Commas and period are located WITHIN the quotation marks – NOT outside of them

            Mary said” I hate this course.”

Observe the rules of formal writing – NO contractions.

Spell-check your document but realize that if you do not know the difference between

            there/their or to/too/two – such items will not be corrected by any spell-check
