Biol 217 - Mammalogy ______ /100 pts

Midterm I - Spring 1998

Name____________________         Student ID # _____________________


1. (10 pts. ) The Class Mammalia is a member of the Kingdom ________________,

subphylum ________________. All members of this subphylum share the common characteristics of 1) _________________ ,

2)________________ .

Based on the presence of an extra-embryonic membrane called ___________________, also found in the classes Reptilia and Aves

(birds). Mammals are sometimes grouped with these classes as the _________________ .

2. (8 pts.) For each of the following anatomical structure describe the typical mammalian condition:

A) integument (skin) -

B) brain -

C) dentition -

D) limb (appendicular skeleton) -

3. (10 pts.) Mammary glands are probably derived from _____________________.

The formation of secretory alveoli in mammary glands is stimulated by ________ _______________. Milk flow (lactation) is triggered by ________________________.

The most important (6-C) sugar in mammalian milk is ______________________.

4. (10 pts.) In two or three sentences explain how the Theory of Continental Drift (Plate Tectonics) may explain the distribution of marsupials.

5. (10 pts.) The ability to withstand external environmental fluctuations by internal regulation is termed ____________________________.

Identify two challenges mammals face in achieving this ability and at least two solutions for each challenge:

Challenge 1:                                                                 2 Solutions:

Challenge 2:                                                                 2 Solutions:

6. (5 pts) Among the ancestors of mammals in the Suborder Cynodontia the fossil form Probainognathus (also in Diarthrognathus) are important in having the following


7. (10 pts) Complete the following classification of mammals:

Class Mammalia

Subclass 1)________________________
Order Monotremata

Order Triconodonta

Order Docodonta

Subclass Allotheria

Order 2) _____________________ (includes 4 suborders)

Subclass 3)________________

Infraclass Trituberculata

Infraclass 4) ____________________ (marsupials)

Infraclass 5) _____________________ (placentals)


1O)  (10 pts.) Complete the geological time scale provided below by adding missing names and important events. Note that the present is at the top of the chart with increasing age going downward.


11. (12 pts) A) Label five (5) of the six structures in the diagram below and briefly describe the function of each.

Name + Function

1) ______________________________

2) ______________________________

 3) ______________________________

4) ______________________________

5) ______________________________

6) ______________________________

B) Mammals with these anatomical features are found in the

Order ________________________.

They could belong to the


12. (15 pts) Choose 5 of the 6 mammalian groups given below and complete the information in the table
Zoogeographic Region(s)

of Family

1) Didelphimorphia      
2) Notoryctemorphia    
6) Paucituberculata