Jay Ashman's Home Page
Jay Ashman
Senior Lecturer and Academic Director, Belize Semester Abroad Program
203 Morrill Hall/UVM

Keel-Biled Toucan, National Bird of Belize   SWCSunset    SWCTees    SWCGroup

To access the syllabus for any of the courses I teach, click on its link, below:

CDAE 157--Consumer Law (Fall semester; Summer online)
CDAE 129--Communication Law (Fall semester; Summer online)
CDAE 195--Applications of Sustainable Development (Spring semester in Belize)

To learn about the
Belize Semester Abroad Program in Sustainable Development, click here

To view the final reports and Powerpoint presentations
of the Belize Program's service learning projects, click here.

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Check out the CDAE web page

Have a look at my c.v.

Web page last updated: January 29, 2011