Main Street Resurfacing Project: Northwest from East Avenue
UTM: 180643957E; 4925941N

Louis L. McAllister
July 27, 1934

Louis L. McAllister
September 8, 1934

Louis L. McAllister
November 27, 1934
This image, dated July 27, 1934, was captured looking west from East Ave., the beginning of the construction project. Text on the back of the photograph explains that the work on the road was "of the asphaltic-macadam classification."[1] In this image, one can see the layers that went into creating the road in 1934.

[1] Louis L. McAllister, "Burlington Street Department Photographs" (Burlington: Bailey-Howe Library, c. 1929-1941)

Louis McAllister took this photograph on September 8, 1934, several weeks after the previous picture. In it, workers have made significant progress on the road construction project. By now, paving materials were laid on the road, and one sees a steamroller compressing the surface ahead. 
Finally, in this picture, the project is complete. This image, taken November 27, 1934, not only shows the finished road, but also offers quite a clear view to the farm in the background.
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Historic Burlington Project
Depression Era Streetscapes: Old North End | Burlington 1890 | Burlington 1877 | Burlington 1869 | Burlington 1853 | Burlington 1830
Produced by University of Vermont Historic Preservation Program graduate students in HP 206 Researching Historic Structures and Sites - Prof. Thomas Visser - in collaboration with UVM Landscape Change Program
Historic images courtesy of University of Vermont Library Special Collections, Louis L. McAllister Photograph Collection