156 Park Street

156 Park Street is a large two-story rectangular house with two entrances, one on the front fa¨ade facing Park Street and another facing Myrtle Street.  The primary fa¨ade is on the gabled end of the house and there appears to be a plain lintel about the door on the Myrtle Street entrance suggesting the influence of the Greek Revival.

The house sits on a plot of land that was not developed in 1869 and was owned by Hayes, a local laborer.[1]  The house was built circa 1877 and was occupied by Hayes.[2]  By 1890, the house had changed ownership and was J.W. Coffey was listed as the owner and various boarders were listed as occupants.[3]  The house has been owned and occupied by a variety of people since then.

[1] 1969 BeerÕs Map. 1873-1874 & 1875-1876 Burlington City Directories

[2] 1877-1878 Burlington City Directory

[3] 1890 HopkinÕs Map