Afternoon at Panteria: A Sonnet

The clash of arms, the flash of sun on steel,
Strong knights, embattled, wield their shining swords;
Gold summer light burns bright on helm and shield,
As hits well-placed become their own reward.
Nearby the merchants in a row display
Rich fabric, leather, feast gear, jewels fine.
The children hunt a dragon, run and play,
While 'neath pavillions Lords and Ladies dine.
Upon the hillside, shaded by the trees,
A consort gathers, voices soft and low;
They send their song out on the summer breeze,
And weave their magic o'er the scene below.
Such days too quickly, sadly, make an end.
Mundane life calls, the dream must sleep again.

(revised 2-April-2001)

The original:

The clash of arms, the flash of sun on steel,
The knights, embattled, wield their shining swords;
Gold summer light burns bright on helm and shield,
As hits well placed become their own reward.
While on the hillside, shaded by the trees,
A consort gathers, voices soft and low;
They send their song out on the summer breeze,
And weave their magic o'er the scene below.
Fine merchants in a row their wares display;
Rich fabric, garb, and jewelry they vend;
The trinkets tempt the children from their play.
The day too quickly, sadly, makes an end.
As Lords and Ladies 'turn to mundane chores
The dream will sleep and wait to wake once more.

By Alice Nele of Mountain Freehold, 24th day of May, AS XXXIII
from Alice's SCA bookmarks.

mka Hope Greenberg