Hope Greenberg: Graduate Portfolio

HST 296A: Community in Early America

Professor Jacqueline Carr
  211Wheeler House
Tel: 656-3533
E-mail: jacqueline.carr@uvm.edu

Course Description:
"This course examines the formation, development and nature of community in pre-Civil War America. We will study the foundation and development of specific communities and the evolution of community institutions. Issues concerning family, gender, ethnicity, race, deviancy, consumption and material culture, rural life, urban life, and town planning will also be considered. The readings for this course span almost forty years of scholarship beginning in the 1960s when the study of community became a scholarly concern and pursuit, moving it from a field of antiquarian local and genealogical history."
Additional daily work, musings, questions, comments, resources:
(keyword: HST296A)

Created by Hope Greenberg. E-mail: Hope.Greenberg@uvm.edu. Created/updated:  18 January 2005/25 May 2005