Radio PSA's.  (Estimated time shown in parenthesis) 
[available to be freely copied:]

Share the road with bicycles. Cyclists should ride on the right side of
the road and follow the same rules as other drivers. It is unsafe to ride
on the wrong side and it is dangerous to ride on the sidewalk. Share the

There is much more to driving a bicycle than balance and steering. Many
things we were taught as kids are wrong and some are dangerous. If you
want to learn more, check your library for the video Effective Cycling.

Ride a bike to work! The safest way is by following traffic laws.
Cyclists who make up their own rules by riding on the wrong side of the
road or on sidewalks are five times as likely to crash. Be predictable
and act like the driver of a vehicle.

Share the road with bicycles. A motorist passing a bicycle must wait
until it is safe to pass, then give adequate clearance. A cyclist should
try to make it easy for a motorist to pass but only if it is safe. When
it is not safe to allow a car to pass, a cyclist should use the full lane.

(0:20) (Use mid April to late May)
The third week of May is Bike to Work Week. May is an excellent time to
try this healthful, non-polluting way to travel. Cycling is safe and
enjoyable if you follow the rules of the road. Cyclists have the same
rights and the same responsibilities as other drivers. Drive your bike
like the vehicle that it is and every week can be Bike to Work Week!

some others


There are 72 million of us who enjoy bicycling - whether for recreation,
sport or transportation. With so many people using bikes on the same roads
occupied by automobiles, the National Safety Council says the most
important piece of advise is this one - if your feet are on the pedals you
need a helmet on your head.

This is (name) of (radio station) reminding you that June is National
Safety Month. More than a half-million people visit emergency departments
each year for bike-related injuries. Wearing a helmet can reduce the risk
of head injury by up to 88 percent. Use your head - wear a helmet. For
more information about bicycle safety and National Safety Month visit

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About 700 people, including more than 200 children, are killed each year
in bike-related incidents.

To help avoid such preventable tragedies here is some bicycle safety
advice from the National Safety Council and (radio station): know your
bike's capabilities ... ride single file with traffic...not against it ...
make safe turns and cross intersections with care ... look carefully
before riding into traffic ...make sure you're visible to traffic, day and
night, and remember the most important safety tip of all -- ALWAYS wear a
helmet. For more information about bike safety and National Safety Month,

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Every summer the sports equipment comes out of the basements and closets:
everything from bicycles to baseballs. Many sports-related injuries can be
prevented with the proper equipment. Especially helmets!

* Make sure you have the right helmet for the sport. For example,
bicycle helmets are different from horseback riding helmets.
* Be sure the helmet is properly positioned and firmly secured on your
* In the event of a fall or incident, have your parents ask the
manufacturer to check the helmet. The shell and liner may have partially
collapsed while it was protecting your head.