
Student Assessment Data for EdEl 010, Spring 2002

Rating Category     (N=14)
Std. Dev.
Objectives Clarified By Instructor 4.6 .5 5.0
Organization of Course 4.5 .7 5.0
Knowledge of Subject 4.9 .4 5.0
Interest In Subject 4.7 .6 5.0
Intellectual Stimulation 4.3 1.0 5.0
Assignments 4.4 .6 4.0
Ability to Arouse Interest 4.4 .7 4.5
Skill In Guiding Leanring Process 4.6 .5 5.0
Presentation of Subject 4.6 .5 5.0
Fairness in Grading 4.9 .3 5.0
Willingness To Help 4.9 .3 5.0
Attitude Towards Students 4.8 .4 5.0
Personal Attention to Student Product 4.6 .5 5.0
General Estimate of Teacher 4.8 .6 5.0
General Estimate of Course 4.2 .8 4.0
This is a course for whichI have to worry about becoming complacent.  Although there is always room for improvement, I think Ed 10, Cohort Rathbone, is going well.  Because a major piece of Ed 10 is advising and being available, the mean scores (and low SDs) for "willingness to help," "attitude towards students," and "personal attention to student product" is good to know and to continue to strive for.  Looks like I could beef up the content some although there was greater student variance for this category than for any other.