BWV 197a Ehre sei Gott in der H�he
First Day of Christmas. Christian Friedrich Henrici (Picander), Ernst-Schertzhaffte und Satyrische Gedichte, Teil III (Leipzig, 1732); Facs: Neumann T, p. 335; The music for Movements 1-3 and the beginning of 4 is missing. 1. Lk. 2:14; 7. Kaspar Ziegler, verse 4 of "Ich freue mich in dir," 1697 (Fischer-T�mpel, I, #567). 25 December ?1728, Leipzig; Parody: 4, 6 → BWV 197/6, 8. BG 41; NBA I/2. 1. Chorus(1) [Dictum] Glory to God in the highest, peace be on earth and unto men a sign of good favor. 2. Aria Be telling, ye heavens, of God's great glory,
His affection, his great faith, Which he to them who are fallen extends. 3. Recit.(1) Oh, love to which no love is like: 4. Aria (A) O thou lovely treasure dear,
Find instead upon my lips now And in this my heart thy place. 5. Recit. (B) The child is mine, 6. Aria (B) I'll not let thee go,
No torment, no pain, Yea, not even hell shall steal from me. 7. Chorale (S, A, T, B) Lead on, 'tis my desire 1. This title, lacking in the PT, is added by Neumann T. � Copyright Z. Philip Ambrose |